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The paddy green fields were freckled with turnips teeming out seamlessly from soil eager to walk with feet they don't possess. The glass shards skewed across the long expanse of prairies lay bare , awaiting some poor fellow to squirm its way and enrich the infertile land with the blood itself if needed. As clouds turned their head away from this small town and the lands dearth of nutrients , it left with poor inhabitants of land with no chance but to resort to deplorable methods for reaching the desired destination.

Seven weeks had passed since the initiation of blood enrichment process. So far, the methods had been effective, too effective to even make them question their own sanity for not using it from the very start . Once the traveller used the small pass through the fields, the glass shards stick to his feet cutting it wide open leaving the pores open for blood to drain out .

Affrighted and confused by sudden bleeding , the traveler has no choice but to look down receding to the inevitable cycle of his head being chopped off in one clean cut expelling much needed nutrients into the land . Afterwards in night , local vultures with their long talons scrape for smoldering meat and tear at it piece by piece all night leaving anything but bones which is burnt by large charcoal fire and filed is sprinkled with ashes and water once rejuvenating it as simple filed once again with fake turnips imprinted into the filed just enough for one passing through to not realize an obvious deception.


Her fingers intertwined firmly against the spear handed over to her, whose weight was much larger than her tiny feeble hands which could only tremble in anticipation , already conceding to divine haven of God , reiterating her sole wish to him again and again : please don't let anyone come.

As her breath got more stifled , a deep haunting dread etched her heart as the realization hit her harder , a realization she wanted to avoid facing : if God was truly so kind, would he have really let a situation be contrived where they would be doing something as sick as this .

Amidst her internal struggle , there was a rustle in bushes as she saw a stark outline heading towards her with a fast pace. Any moment now , he would wince in pain -that is when she had to do it right !

She tightened her grip on handle keeping it close to her hind leg , with her eyes deadest on skewering the target at core of his inevitable mishap. Her fingers which trembled a moment ago ceded to her momentarily as her ears waited for the cue.


Without wasting a moment's breath , she ran with ferocious alacrity jumping midway to plunge it deep into the poor fellow so that he may avoid any misery before departing but her aim hinged elsewhere . Despite her best efforts to mollify her own heart , all she managed to do was lay panting on spear's blunt broad end sticking it nearby the surprised fellow .

"Oh ! I see. That is indeed quite interesting ." He swept back his black hair . His face which should have been panicking showed no emotion as he pulled out the last shard from his shoe and feet wiping off the last of blood with his handkerchief.

She couldn't understand it ! It was his perfect chance to run away or attack her as she was defenseless. He would also have a valid reason to do so why was he simply staring at with blankest expression etched on his face ? Just what was this situation ?

"Tell me something , girl . " He spoke softly but she gulped inside apprehensive anxiously of outcome awaiting her.

"Why do humans value life so much? Why do humans value their existence so much that they feel obligated and compelled enough to reap others away ? Why do they feel so arrogant that they feel that they have ever possessed the power to do anything beyond carrying on with their measly existence?" He fondled her hair as she felt his cold breath down her neck permeating chill throught her body .

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