Chapter 1- The Blue Moon Festival

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I smooth my dress down. It's a beautiful dark blue with black lace. My recently polished crown lay on the dressing table as my mother, Princess Luna, combed my light blue mane.
"Mum," I say, "Do I have to go to the festival?"
"Why, of course Starlight. The whole event is in your honour, because of your birthday." Mum replies.
"But," I whisper, "All everypony does is stare at me like I'm an exhibit in the National Pony Mueseum. When it's Sunburst's birthday celebration, everypony cheers."
Even the thought of my cousin, Princess of Dawn, makes me shudder. She gets all the attention. She is like a sister to me,except for the fact she's more popular.
My mother remains silent, now styling my hair into wavy curls.
"It's because of the prophecy, isn't it?" I murmur, staring at my reflection in the mirror. The prophecy was made when I was born; it is said, on my 16th birthday, I would join the Nightmare Forces like my mother many years ago. And this year, I would turn sixteen.
My mother didn't utter a word, but continued to fuss about me, working out the perfect place to put my crown.
It wasn't my regular crown; it was a halo of satin roses that were the shade of night.
My clock chimed; it had just turned 11.
"Time to go," cried Mum, pushing me out the door, "You don't want to be late!" She spread out her beautiful sparkly wings and soared into the sky. I love those wings, and her shimmering hair; Mum said that I would get those beautiful wings and lovely hair after I turned sixteen.

"Princess Starlight, Princess of the Dusk, will now form the blue moon!"
I stood in front of the assembled group of ponies. It was ten to midnight, and as it was my birthday, it was my duty to raise the moon and summon the star's light to create the legendary blue moon. Taking a deep breath, I took off into the sky. Concentrating all my energy into my magic, I pulled the silvery moon into the sky. Then I sucked the star's energy, re-energising myself, before giving my new found energy to the beautiful moon. It turned a shade of misty blue.
As I flew down, I heard a round of tumultuous applause. However, as soon as my hooves touched the ground the applauding ceased, except for my mum, Auntie Celestia and Sunburst, all of whom were whooping and cheering. I grinned shyly as a distant sound of trumpets sounded. It had just turned midnight.
I was swept up by a gust of unusually strong wind. I knew that my transformation was about to begin....
My long curls flew upwards, as if being pulled on a string. Then, I heard a faint tinkling in my ear. I could not see it happen, but I knew; the light of a million stars had just entwined itself into my hair. Then another, even stronger, gust of wind blew me up to face the moon. It shone brightly in front of me and I felt it's rays tickle my wings. A tiny whisp of the moon had just decorated my wings; I was bursting with joy.
As I landed gently onto the ground, my mother ran to me and seized me, hugging me so tightly it felt like she didn't want to let go. My audience stared at me and I knew at once why; the prophecy had not come true. I sighed a happy sigh of relief; the weight of the prophecy had finally lifted off my shoulders.....

Or had it?

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