Chapter 6: The Cavalry

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Shots were everywhere. The remaining officers knew they wouldn't be able to hold their ground for much longer. Everybody was running low on ammo and some were injured.

Hondo, Luca, Deacon and Tan spread out and strategically placed themselves in the far perimeter of the place, inching closer to the shooters in the porch. Five active sniper shooters were spread all around the side and the back of the floor. Drones had been knocked out, and the perps were running low on ammo themselves. It seems they were going to start relying more on the sulfuric acid that each had. They could shoot it at the cops, and start a huge fire, while fleeing from the scene. The only problem? The tank that was supplying them was in the arena, and the connecting cables that supplied the lethal substance were already located by Hondo's team.

All SWAT officers worked together to disarm the villains from the tank. How did they do it? Simple. It all started with Deacon.

When Hondo, Tan, Luca and Deacon broke the huddle, the later called out the officers to "cease fire!". There was an abrupt silence, as the only shots heard were from the villains up high. Deacon then ordered the officers to retrieve, and they did. This move totally astounded  the perps, but what they didn't notice was the while they looked back and forth to check the officers in front of them, Luca had exited the building through the opened cargo door, followed closely by Tan. Both officers rapidly went around the building, locating the only other exit door, which was right beneath the ledge that hosted the perps. Three of the shooters panicked, and left their post. They jumped the railing and tried escaping on foot, directly towards the only exit door in the arena. They landed awkwardly and went straight to the door. Meanwhile, the officers had already retrieved midway through the bottom floor. As soon as the third perp made it out of the exit door, Tan and Luca  tackled and reprimanded all three. Meanwhile, Deacon had slipped and headed to the tanks. In one slick motion was able to rip the connecting cables!

Outside, Luca pushed the last suspect, while the second stumbled to the ground. The other 'rabbit' was easily caught since he tried to escape with a badly injured leg.

"20 David, we have all three suspects!" called Luca, who noticed he was covered in white ash, and other debris,"What is this?"

Both officers looked up, and were met with falling pieces of ceiling and building. The third floor was almost gone, buried under intense flames. They could notice that both office spaces were already consumed, but wandered about the rest of the flat. That's when Luca reacted, a panic filled expression in his face.

He hit the bottom of the com in his upper chest " Hey sarge, where are 24 and 26 David? Are they still up the third floor?", he awaited response, "Boss, they might be trapped!"

Luca looked at Tan, and in a blink of an eye both men rushed inside the building to look for their leader. They were met with yet again another battle zone. This time the two remaining shooters were mostly using soakers, shooting a transparent liquid. They were not aiming at any particular spot, but as soon as the exit door was shot closed, Tan was able to connect one bullet in the back of the neck of one. Luca was able to hit the other.

Hondo was about to report it when a large explosion occurred. Seems an electrical outburst happened near the acid tanks, which lead to an explosive reaction. The air became thick with acid and toxic chemicals. Officers were struggling to breath, as SWAT put on their masks and helped evacuate the area.

"Commander, this is 20 David, we are Code 4 in the bottom floor, but we have a situation." Hondo reported over the com.

"Roger! What's the issue 20-DAvid?"

"If 26 David and 24 David are not outside, they might still be in the third floor." he made a pause, as he stepped outside, and for three quick seconds scanned the area. He saw destruction, injured cops, apprehended perps, and at the far end, other officers...but not what he was looking for. He couldn't locate the two youngest officers in his squad. He called them three times, waiting 3 seconds in between. Nothing.

"Commander, I can't locate them, and they don't respond. I think they might be TRAPPED!"

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