Vander and His Prodigies

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"Y/N... Y/N!" I heard a muffled voice from the distance gradually fade in. "Vi?" I said half incoherent. Then a sharp horrifying pain hit my abdomen. "FUCKKKK," I screamed in pain grabbing my waist. As I lifted my hand back up into view I looked at the pool of blood dripping from my hand. Vi's eyes widened. "Holy fucking shit Y/N!!" She scream whispered. "Are you okay? How many fingers am I holding up?" Vi asked with clear concern in her voice. I sniffled. "Three... Can you help me up Vi?" I managed to get out. "Yeah! Yeah. Cmon', we need to get going." As I stood up I fell back due to the great amount of pain I was in. Vi gave me her puppy dog eyes and just with that, she picked me up into her arms and continued walking. "The enforcers will be on our ass any second now!" She whisper shouted.

Vi walked out of the apartment with me in her hands as we felt the ground shake. "Stop!' Vi said as she and the others stopped in their tracks and backed up. The ground in front of me broke off and fell to the ground. I let out a deep breath making the hair in front of my face blow. "Holy shit!!" I yelled. Then the sirens of Piltover started playing. "Shit, shit, shit!" Vi started panicking then grabbed my hand.

I insisted that I could walk so she set me down. I was limping until that limp turned into a full-on run as enforcers chased us. We just started running and running. I felt like I wasn't even controlling my feet. I didn't even know how I wasn't tripping over myself. I was way in front of everyone else because whenever I have adrenaline, all my senses heighten making me stronger, faster, stealthier. That was my strong suit.

I actually had to slow down so that vi could catch up to me. She then intertwined our fingers. This made me slow down and look at her blushing. " What?" She asked not knowing what she was doing. I just chuckled and smirked. "So were you just faking orrr" She said as she pointed to my chest. "I don't even know why but it doesn't hurt!" I stated completely surprised.

We hit a corner and Vi walked over to a sewer crate and lifted it up. Mylo sighed then the complaining started. Oh god here we go again..."Aww man I just got this shir-" He was cut off by Vi kicking him down the sewer. She looked back at me and just shook her head as we both laughed. I walked over to her as I was startled by a burning sensation in my ass. Omg vi just smacked my ass... "Ladies first!" Vi smirked at me as I rubbed my ass. I scoffed at her," I hate you!!" "Oh please! You know you looooooove me." Vi winked. "Whatever.." I smiled as I went down the sewer with her not far behind following me.

As I fell in a pile of trash the sensation of extreme pain hit me again making me whine. I heard screaming behind me indicating that powder wasn't too far behind. "WooooWooWooO!" Powder screamed then Plunk! The others all got up and started to walk towards Vi. "Guys, what happened back there?" Claggor asked. Mylo glared at powder. "Don' eve-" Vi was cut off by her thoughts. "where is Y/N...?" She said frantically searching the area for me. Mylo gave powder the look that just screamed "This is all your fault." "What? I didn't do anything." "Oh you could fill a whole library with the things you didn't do." He lashed back at her. "Mylo! Oh my god! Just shut up already! Can you not see Y/N nearly bleeding to death is more of a priority than yelling at my fucking sister?!!!!" She snapped back at him. She then sighed and turned to help me up.

She then whispered a sorry into my ear for either my injury or maybe just apologizing on Mylo's behalf or both. I just gave her loving eyes to tell her that everything was going to be okay... including me. She then put me in her arms bridal style and carried me all the way home. Every step vi took, a tear shed from my eyes from the sensitivity of my fresh wound. She kept apologizing and I would reassure her every time that she shouldn't be and that not everything is her fault. The whole way back home Mylo was giving powder unnecessary shit for things she didn't do... as usual. When we were walking into the last drop, Vander saw Vi carrying me then she cleared her throat.

I felt bad for slowing everyone down but tried not to victimize myself and remind myself that it would be okay. Vi gently set me down on her bunkbed and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "I'll be right back." Vi whispered into my ear. The blood rose to the surface of my cheeks. I just smiled back at her because I knew if I said anything, it would be incoherent due to how flustered I was. She just chuckled then left the room.

A few minutes later, Vi entered the room and headed straight to me. She had all sorts of medical things in her hands that indicated that she was gonna clean me up. "Hey cupcake! How you holdin' up?" Vi asked. It was so cute how she worried for me... "Hellooooo??" Vi asked again realizing that i was staring at her with no response. "Oh i'm sorry! Umm.. yeah! I'm good." I responded. She just grabbed the alcohol and chuckled at my response. "What!??" I asked embarrassed. "Why are you laughing??" I smiled. "Nothing! It's just that... you were totally drooling at my face just a second ago! I wonder what was going through your mind.." Vi asked getting closer to my face. I widened my eyes when i realized what she was thinking. She was certainly up to no good!

"What..?" I asked playing dumb to save me from total embarrassment. "Don't play dumb with me cupcake! I know those pesky eyes of yours were undressing me." Vi said as she smirked. I was about to save myself from this akward but totally heated situation until claggor cleared his throat. "Ehem... get a room!!" Claggor said. Vi clearly annoyed looked behind her shoulder and said, "ACTUALLY, we DO have a room! And YOURE invading our privacy!" I turned my head to the side trying to hide my face and the huge smile in it. Just when claggor was about to speak up when Vander BUSTED through the door. Fuck...


OMFG!!! Hey guys i'm SOOO sorry this chapter took so long to get out! I mean it!! I've been so busy and had total writers block for the past couple months but i stg that i will try to upload daily know! much love from you local Vi lover!!

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