chapter thirteen

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"I'm thinking of using a piece of the land to build the baseball field" Mitchell said he was sitting at a table in a small down town restaurant with Tony, Tasha and Raneilea discussing the plans to the baseball team,
"That's going to take money" Tony said
"I have the money to get me a far way into this" he said make Raneilea look at him, she wonder how much money for he said he couldn't pay her not that she was looking to be paid,
Tony nod, "then there's no worries" he said
"And of course you have a good team" Mitchell said to
Tony nod, "that's right" he said with confidence make Mitchell smile
"So we'll start next week"
"Anytime you're ready" Tony told him,
It was their final say about business, now it was time to enjoy themselves they stay in a club for another hour an a half dancing then Mitchell drove them home, he went inside to talk to Maggie he haven't seen her in a few days and he check and the pup she was laying in the living room bark when they came in, Maggie was still in the kitchen when she heard the barking and went to the door,
"Hey aunt Maggie" Mitchell said
"Hi" Maggie said she was covered in flour as she was baking, "I'm such a mess" she said
Mitchell smile, "that's the looks of a hard working woman" he smile as he hug her getting flour even in his face Raneilea smile as she wipe it for him, Maggie invited them to the kitchen and offered to them some sweets and warm Milo tea,
Mitchell haven't had Milo tea since childhood and he gladly took it and enjoy some of the sweets Maggie gave
"It's not the cake testing yet is it?" Mitchell asked making a joke
Maggie laughed "No it's not quite the cake testing yet but now that you're tasting these sheets you could pick a flavor"
Mitchell grin they were getting married late August now they were in the first week of July and believe it or not he was anxious, excited and nervous, he bite in to the cherry flavored one after the vanilla and the chocolate they all taste quit great, "I can't decide why not all three" he said to Maggie, "what you think baby?" He asked Raneilea who came and
hang over his shoulder, rubbing him down giving him a feeling of longing, "Mmhm" he said ad he grabbed hold of her hand holding her fingers he look up and smirk at her,
Tasha look from Mitchell to Raneilea as he lean back at her gentle rubbing her fingers he look to be emotional
"It could work" Raneilea agree,
" I'm thinking a five layer cake" Maggie said
"Five great" Mitchell said
"Sure" Raneilea said
"Green and white" Mitchell said
"Yeah sounds cool" Raneilea agree
"I think that's the color of our team" Mitchell said
"About that how is it?" Maggie asked
"Mitch is thinking of building the team on his land" Tasha informed
"And my baby is the contractor"
Mitchell look back at her and smile,
"You know Mr west had a nice place on forth street"
"Forth street?" Tony asked
"Yes in the older days that's where they use to pitch it's a massive field I heard he had a for sale sign up but he had took it down I don't know if someone bought it or he decided not to sell anymore"
"Oh really?" Mitchell asked "we should check it out then, what you think?" He asked Tony
"First thing tomorrow"
"Can it be the second thing I got a business in town can I meet you in the afternoon say two?"
"No problem that will give me time to do some round up too"
Mitchell nod,
Mitchell was checking out a place in town for Raneilea to get as a doctor's office he haven't told her for it was going to be a surprise the real estate agent is to show him around tomorrow they are to meet at eight o'clock, he got up and stretch himself Raneilea's hand still in his palm "thanks miss Maggie I'm going to leave now"
"Thanks for stopping by"
Maggie said
Mitchell nod, "Tony, Tasha, you guys have a great night"
"You too" they both say,
"See you tomorrow" Raneilea said
Mitchell nod but when he was walking away he pulled her with him,
Tasha peek out
"Seems Mr MaRae could use some company" Tasha said with a smile,
Tony shook his head,
"What?" Raneilea asked when Mitchell pulled her through the door
"Don't you want to come home?" Mitchell asked
"You're inviting me home?"
He nod,
Raneilea smile from the look in his eyes she knew what's on his mind ànd she could used that too,
"I'll get my jacket" she said going back inside,
Tasha grin when she walked back in and pulled closer to her, "what happened?" She asked
"Where?" Raneilea asked
"You not gone?"
"Where am I going?" She asked
"With your man it's in his eyes he needs you" Tasha whisper Raneilea grin, she picked up her jacket, "I'm here to get my jacket" she said smiling "is it so obvious?" She asked
Tasha cover her mouth and giggle nodding, Raneilea shove her, and they both grin
"See you later" she said they bid her good bye Tasha walk behind her to the front door wave as they drove off,
Raneilea lean back into Mitchell as he came up behind her,
"Morning beautiful" he said
"Morning sexy" she said held back her head for a kiss, "you smells so good" she complement"
"Not to mention you"
Raneilea giggles she face him hugging his neck and kiss him "mm, mm" she mumble, "you're soooo amazing" she said kissing him more, "mm mm"
"So are you" he said rubbing down her butt "you're too sweet"
"Sugar coated cookies or honey bun?" Raneilea said
"Honey Bunches and honey cones"
"Ok Mr bear too much honey for you"
They both grin, she hand him breakfast and he drank some tanic before he was ready to walk out the door "you know where the key for the car is"
Yes" Raneilea answer ,
"I love you" he said
"So do I, I love me" Raneilea grin at him
Mitchell smile,
"I love you" she finally said as he sat in the van and she kiss him off,
When Raneilea got finished with the cleaning up she walk down with the dogs
"This right here is amazing it's perfect" Mitchell said when he walk through the building it was fresh and didn't need anything but the equipment for it to look like a doctor's office "I'll take it" he said
"The price"
"It matters not I'll take it"
"Then we'll get the paperwork done, tomorrow you come down the office and I will have them ready"
"Great I'll see you tomorrow"
He left and meet Tony at the place the place was right as miss Maggie had said and the man haven't sold as yet, and yes he is still selling and was willing to take off a good amount since Mitchell is the one who'll be doing the repairs, he was amaze he did that and was appreciative,
"Look as if we're in business" Mitchell said
"Yeah that's right" Tony knocked fist with him,
"I'll buy you a drink" Tony said
"I'm up for a dirnk" Mitchell agree, as he was sure now his doctor wouldn't have an objection
The first week in August Tony and his men work on the field a long with some interesting person who want to see the baseball team build up they were halfway through by the end of the week already looking amazing,
"Baseball tryouts this sunday at two get your flyer" Raneilea and Mitchell told the people as they were together handing out the flyers Saturday morning and pasting posters on poles and buildings a man came out his store on hearing the announcement to get his flyers some boys hanging on the street took from them, they stop people driving on the highway and others going on foot at the end of the day they were surprised of the amount of flyers they handed out, and the lot they paste about,
Since Mitchell and Tony been hanging Rowley became close to him,
"She's a pretty woman" Rowley said as he sat at the table with Mitchell, they were attending Gladis birthday party at Maggie's,
"She is" Mitchell nod
"you're to take good care of her" Rowley said
Mitchell look at Rowley and smile, "I plan to that's why I'm marrying her" Mitchell said Rowley nod, they said for a while nothing said,
"I liked her when I first met her but she said I'm not the guy I even kiss her"
"What you kiss my woman?" Mitchell joke, Rowley laughed
"What you think they're say over there?" Tasha asked point Raneilea to Mitchell and Rowley who were talking and laughing,
Raneilea shrug and grin "Can I let you in on a secret?" Mitchell asked
Rowley nod "go a head"
"Raneilea and I wedding is in a few days and were going off on our honeymoon, I want to surprise her when we get back"
"What am I to do?"
"I am fixing her a office and need a few sign"
"Am the man for the job"
"Not on Tony's time"
"The boss is not to know?" Rowley asked
Mitchell shook his head
"Unfortunately no"
Rowley laughed and nod,
"Just name your price"
"Show me the work and then we'll talk money" Mitchell laughed and nod as he got up he was crossing the floor when Raneilea came across to hug him, "dance with me" she said
"They made a cute couple" Cassie said when she sit next to Rowley, he turn and smile at her take her hand and kiss it,
They drove down to the place the next day and Mitchell show Rowley where the signs will be needed and what to go on them, it was the same thing that was going on the bill board in the square but Mitchell want to surprise Raneilea before that is put in place,
Rowley didn't charge him but he accepted the gratitude check that was more than what he would asked for,
Mitchell bite his teeth as he look at Raneilea the day was here praises be " You look so amazing" he whispered as he took Raneilea's hand in his she smile at him,
They were gathered in the president of family and friends to get married a day neither had drawn to plan they both wanted love joy and happiness, a family in the near life their hope and dreams is to get far together in life like that older couple that inspired them so much they haven't started off at the age they did but hope for the years they stays together,
"I love you so much mrs Raneilea grey MaRae" Mitchell whispered as they dance at the wedding reception
"I love you so much Mr Mitchell Macoy MaRae" she grin he lean in and kiss her,
They honey moon in California at Mitchell home town the town he was born into as he was going back for the first time since his injury Raneilea felt like a superstar when they arrive the amount of people that meet and greet them they had a wonderful time there she never knew getting married could feel this good she always knew there was someone out there and thank God Mitchell was that someone, she love him with all her heart and soul she felt this to be the best union one could asked for and she was glad she's the one bond in such union,
They honey moon for a week then was back home in west Virginia,
"Keep them close" Mitchell told Raneilea as he drove her to the doctor's office he had put in place for her, "we'll be there soon"
"Were are we going anyway?" She asked
"You'll see"
"Ah I hate suspense" she complained "that is why like some people I don't watch movies that are series"
Mitchell laughed
They drove ten minutes more he pulled to a stop,
"Are we there?" Raneilea asked
"Oh yes we are just keep those eyes close" he got out and hurry around to help her out the van,
He held her to him walking up the pavement,
"How am I even going to see?" Raneilea asked
"I'm guiding you am i not?"
He open a door
"Where are we?"
They stood in the middle of the room design for the therapy sessions and let her go "open now" he said Raneilea open her eyes and was astonished tears fill her eyes when she look around "for me?" She asked
"Who else doctor MaRae?" Mitchell said Raneilea hug him him tightly her heart filled up with excitement,
"I told you we were going to help build this town"
"yeah with the baseball team"
"How would it be fair I am working and you're not"
"I don't know how to thank you"
"With what you've done for me and you didn't worry about getting paid you deserve so much more"
"thank you babe this means so much"
Mitchell kiss her he too was thankful to her for helping him over the boundary if she never comes he would be battling alcohol and pills and facing pain and trials now he has a chance of a bran new beginning one he's looking to have her by his side through it all,
Raneilea walk in the kitchen door where Tasha and Tony were with Maggie they look at her and to the look on her face tells she was crying Tasha got up and went to her, "what happened?" She asked
"You alright?" Tony asked following Tasha,
"Oh dear you tell us" Maggie said
"I'm just overwhelmed now" Raneilea said, "Mitch got me my own therapy office"
Tasha mouth widen, "your own office?" She asked
Raneilea nod,
"way to go girl, I'm happy for you" she grin and hug her
"Congratulations?" Tony told her hugging her
"I'm proud of you dear" Maggie told her hugging her
Raneilea grin "thanks aunt Maggie" she said with a smile
"This town need building up and you and your husband are doing a good thing"
"I couldn't agree more" Tasha said
Raneilea hug her "maybe if you hadn't invite me out her I wouldn't get all this so I thank you"
Tasha grin "I wonder why you took so long to say it"
Raneilea grin and knocked her
Tony and Maggie smile
"Where's your husband now?" Tasha asked
It sounded so great hearing that question Raneilea smile inside the feeling was good she has a husband a man for her own, "I think he's out trying to hire someone to look after the pasture"
"Oh ok Tasha said
"I'm looking for workers now too, Incase you know anyone who's looking for a job in a doctor's office you can share"
"I'll see about it" Tasha said
"So you get your sign up already?" Tony asked
Raneilea nod
There was nothing needed to be done to the place all needed there now is some workers and Raneilea was sure it won't be long before she gets someone to work,
Mitchell didn't expect to see so much people at try outs, even children, fourteen, thirteen, twelve and under were out in their numbers to try out many people turn out to watch the event it felt like a big match, Tony and some of his workers and Maggie and her team, a few people from Tasha's school, Mitchell saw how many children were interested and decided to start a little league also and chose to name the teams the mighty warriors the green and white fit the field in such away, He marvel,
It took weeks of training to get them started for the game next year, they were at the end of October and the Halloween weekend was on Mitchell and Raneilea dress in their baseball jersey to show it off it caught a lot of attention and people were interested to know about the team who didn't know already,
The grand opening of the therapy office took place on the second day in November and Raneilea started her interviews
Mitchell celebrate his birthday further down in the month they throw a huge party on the baseball ground it was like a fun fair lots of people turn out,
Thanksgiving was hosted at the MaRae's home in deerwood Mitchell invite Rowley he came he and Cassie as they are now a thing, Viola came also ad she was over for the wedding it was a nice and excited time for everyone it was good to have them there,
They went through December with grouth as things for them keep going higher,
Christmas they flew to Seattle to spend Christmas at the house Mitchell own there it was everything more than the house in west Virginia and the house in California and it was close to a tennis court, they took the opportunity to get in a few games the view there was excellent too and the breeze thrilling, they flew back for new years day event in the square The game seasons were coming around and Mitch Star up training once again after the break for the holidays,
Raneilea finally finished her interviews and got eleven people to start the job the first week on the job was magnificent and Raneilea look forward to moving on with her team,
Valentine's day they have a party at Maggie's bakery and sell chocolate and other fine things and did they made a sale,
Game seasons has now started and the mighty warriors brought their a games it was straight A's for the team was going places
Mitch squeeze on Raneilea's butt as he held her tightly, "I'm going to miss you" she said
"It's only for a few days"
"You'll be gone still"
"Don't worry as long as I'm in your heart you'll always have me with you" Mitchell said
"Win for me"
"I'll do that for you" he kiss her,
The dogs bark as he left
"He'll be back" Raneilea said patting them they whine,
Mitchell was gone for three days for the games Raneilea could only get a glims off it on the television but didn't miss the big win,
"This one is for my beautiful wife" Mitchell said holding up the trophies,
Raneilea grin she could hear the people behind her clapping and cheering for her and for her husband,
"Dickey" Raneilea said when he walk in the building, "what you doing here?"
"I stop by to say congratulations"
"Thank you"
"The town needed something as this" he look around and nod
"All the best" he said
"Thank you I appreciate you stoping by"
He nod and left
"Your husband isn't back?" Tasha asked
"He's flying in tomorrow"
"So what you doing tonight?"
"Want to go out?"
"I'm not used to going out without my husband anymore" Raneilea tease, they both grin, "will eight be good enough?"
"Eight is fine"
"See you then"
"Dickey stop by today" Raneilea said to tasha as they drove to the movie it was just the as Tony was hanging with the boys,
"What for?"
"He was marveling about the place he said the town needed it"
Tasha smile and held her hand "it's such a good think I'm more proud with each passing day" they both smile
The two finally game against the Seattle Mariners played at home in cascade Lewisburg and it was a square off game as the mighty warriors took the won giving Raneilea a big birthday gift, they celebrate later on with a party as it was Raneilea's birthday,
Raneilea Scream and giggle and ran to Mitchell jumping on him cascade mighty warriors have won the little league competition three games for nothing, it was only last week the cascade mighty warriors won agains the Seattle Mariners Mitchell past team as his couch was looking to get a win but he had put together a mighty team a team of warriors a team with strength a team that was qualify to go places and Mitchell the captain was on board to get them there, as he was the head couch of the little league and as shown they too were mighty in strength and battle like a warrior,
As the time goes on the team strive they did lost a few games but nothing to put them under Mitchell finally took Raneilea hunting as promised she was extremely excited after shooting the turkey,
It wasn't thanksgiving just yet as it was around the corner but Mitchell roast the turkey and set it before her she have her way with it Mitchell laughed as he watch her,
"Happy birthday sexy..."Raneilea said as she climb over on Mitchell he grin at her push his hands up to rub her breasts sliding his palm through her hair,
"I hope you have something wonderful and fantastic plans for me"
"If giving myself to you is wonderful and fantastic then that's what I plan for I am going to give it to you all day until you're too tired to get up"
Try me" Mitchell said
"I am about to"
"I'm about to make you pay for such a treat" Mitchell said flipping her off him on to the bed he enters her and with fulfill promises he took her to that place where there was heaven under the stars.

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