A Marine Problem

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After traveling for a few days, Alice checked her map and noticed that they had already passed the Greendove border, only that they had to go through a town that was on the coast.

-"Elena, Selena you have earned a break, you can go to the coastal town to shop and have fun, meanwhile I'll go to breakfast" Alice said as she took the twins out of her backpack

-"Alice!!! We are very grateful" said Selena very excited, finally Alice was treating them with respect

-"Would you like us to buy something for you?" Elena asked

-"If there are ingredients for your potions, buy them, your concoction has helped me a lot to prevent vomiting due to my pregnancy" Alice said while rubbing the lower part of her belly

-"Yes, I'm going to buy several ingredients... but... mmm" Elena said as she made a gesture with her hand indicating that she needed money

-"Oh... you really need money to buy" Alice said as she took out three bags with gold coins

-"Alice... one of those bags is still wet" Selena said very nervously as she received one of the three bags

-"I better not tell you where the bag came from" said Alice frowning

-"I can imagine" said Selena trembling as she remembered that Alice had vomited the indigestible hours ago

-"Thanks Alice, we're going shopping, see you!!!" Elena said smiling


Elena and Selena arrived in town and they noticed him very sad, even so they went to buy at the herbalist

-"Good morning ladies, how can I help you?" asked the saleswoman

-"I have a list of herbs that I need to buy" Elena said as she handed her a paper where the herbs to make the concoctions to help Alice's pregnancy were written down

-"Very well, I think I have all of them" said the saleswoman as she began to look behind the counter for the herbs

The vendor after several minutes put the herbs on the counter

-"It's 1000 gold coins miss" said the saleswoman

-"But it's very expensive ma'am...." Elena said impressed by the price

-"Everything has become more expensive because of the curse of the town" said the seller

-"What curse?" Selena asked

-"This used to be a very prosperous town, with abundant fishing, until three months ago we fell behind in paying taxes to the queen and she used a spell to summon a creature that killed the fishermen and ate the fish causing our main source of income was lost" said the saleswoman very sorry

-"Then everything has been made more expensive because of that curse" Elena said thoughtfully

-"Can you tell me what the creature is like?" Elena asked

-"They say it has many teeth, several tentacles and a gigantic tail" said the seller

-"And how many meters do you think that creature measures?" Selena asked

-"Without the tail I think about 4 meters" said the seller

-"Mmmm Elena, we should talk" Selena said to her sister as she took her to a corner of the store

-"What's up Sister?" asked Elena wanting to know what great idea Selena had come up with

-"We have a monster in the forest that could take care of that creature, they consider us heroes and they will give us a reward or charge us a fair price for the herbs, I refuse to pay 1000 gold coins for these" Selena said while rubbing hands

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