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Kim Jong kook POV

He was here again , he can't escape this nightmare since that day ,the day he lost the love of his life . He was walking down the hospital hall , the same hospital ,the same scenario , he was looking at the door ,the same room , he can't move his foot again like his feet were glued . He tried to move again although he knows he will meet the same ending , soon he saw the smoke emitting from the room . He tried to move his feet ,no he can't watch , he wanted to move , but all of his afford is just like the dust from the wind . His eyes watered at the sight infront of him , the fire ,now the room was burning ...he tried to reach ...he need to save her , his voice stuck in his throat . He can't find his voice although he shouted . Please !!!!!

He jerked from his nightmare , he can feel the tears in his eyes , why it has to be her ? If his wanted to get back the same price for his son , he can take his life away but now ...he ...he  didn't even know how to survive . He wiped his face with his big hands , he got up from his bed and went to the bathroom . His room tured into dark room , well from the start , he used his room theme based on dark but now , it is completely lifeless . He grew cold to people ,he didn't care about their feeling . He worked like a robot and fired his employees like a trash ,he didn't even care the fact that they have family they need to feed ...well there was this time when he fired a man from the PR team , that man begged him saying he had family to feed so he ask for mercy from him . Do you all can guess what he did the next second that man said this words to him .?

'well ,the sad part is unlike you , I don't have a family so I don't care whether you have one to feed or not . Get out from my property !!' he said those words like he practiced for many times . It has been years , but he can't find himself escape from her ...

He drove to his company, he refused to hire a new driver since he fired the last one . He pulled his car over the parking and get out from his car . All of the employees blow their head , no one dare to look him in his eyes . After all he was known as ruthless and cruel man . On his way to his grand office , he saw a woman , may be a new employee sent him a seductive smile , her skirt was very short that if she bent  a little more , he could see her underwear . He walked toward her direction , she really must be a new here cause noone dares to look him like she did . He can see the bright smile when he walked toward her , while all of the other employees looked terrified . He stands infront of her and she bite her lip showing her afford to make him deire for her .

Then , he picked up the unfinished juice glass that is placed on the table . He smiled at her but a smile that tells ...'don't mess up with me ' then he poured the juice over her head . He can hear the gasp from everyone including the woman infront of him who was now soaping with juice .

"You are fired , get lost " with that he walked past from the woman and went to his office . His assistant greeted him but he didn't reply and entered his office . He then start digging into his work , he was like those work alcoholic men , he worked like those papers are only his family .

Soon ,the door opened and revealed haha and Jae suk whose eyes held so much sorrow for seeing him like that .

"Jong kook yah , it has been five years , you should stop torturing yourself " jae suk said while taking a seat on the sofa .

"Yeah , hyung should stop forget everything and move forward " haha also convicted him , his hands stop from typing ...he raised his head and look at them .

"How can I forget and move forward while my wife and child died from the most painful way . How could I stay like nothing happened when I am still alive and sitting infront of you two .TELL ME!!!" His anger couldn't control for the past five years even to his close ones . He balled his hands , they didn't know his pain , his wounds are still raw and open . There is noone who can cure him ,she is his remedy but there is no her anymore . He lost her , so literally he lost himself . If there is any chance she could still alive then , he will do anything to keep her safe , to make his mistakes right !!!.

Hi everyone , have a beautiful day and here is another chapter . Hope you all like this , XOXO

His lost heir (Sequel To His Revenge)Where stories live. Discover now