A flash light, laser light and any kinds of brighness,
Glued above the cloudy navy nestly nights,
Hanging tiny precious—and it's you, You're unheachable and, but near in my heart.Cannot walk through the surface where your feet can stand but not mine,
There's the stairway, as I'd step through every pain and misconceptions.That way...you never felt the same,
That you, always attracts those alike creature you belonged in,Aligned over the skyline of glum seasons,
Still it was you who I see...You bright among the brightest.
Even I was just only a statue who's body is paralyzed though my heart pumps a million times,
When I gazed, to where fireflies stayed.No matter what, know what's the matter, And it's you, the problem you just shine still, saw you flawed,
Imperfect being, but what's most truly imperfect...was you didn't know,
I didn't know too watch you fade, til another night comesThinking of you again...
Of how beautiful you are, when you gleamed in the darkest corner you have.
💛: ♡♡~~say says,
Lovely Sure Azures
Poetrycutie mo naman uy. sige, adopt na kita luv. btw, keep safe saka ngiti ka lang. don't u dare to be an instant freakie ♡♡ cry or laugh, we're all living wonderfulest souls of tears and thorns. get lost with these words babe! hart hart