Bonus Chapter!-"I'm home, Honibea" 🧡

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Bakugou quietly opens the door, setting his luggage down carefully. He slides out of his shoes and takes off his suit, not making a sound. Thankfully, the bathroom is soundproofed so he takes a quick shower, washing up with the new body wash Honi bought for him.

He then dried off, put on a tank top and some jockeys before walking back to the kitchen to get a stiff drink. He sat and looked over Honi's responses to the media and smiled. No anger, no threats. She has come a long way, he thought, as he sipped the strong spirit, relaxing his body.

"Such a hard worker, baby..."

He murmured as he finished looking at the responses.

The sun rose, the natural light enhancing the beauty of his high-rise. Honibea, who isn't aware of his return, wakes up and sees that her phone is in dire need of charging. She gets up and places it on the charger before grabbing a towel to take a quick shower.

She pins up her hair as she steps in, letting the warm water cascade over her body, before grabbing her body gel to wash up with. Little did she know Bakugou had already woke up, showered again, and is in the kitchen, sitting quietly.

She walks in only to see Katsuki quietly sipping some coffee, reading the paper, his eyes being enhanced by the sun's natural light...He looks in her direction, giving a classic Bakugou grin, as he finished up his coffee...

"Heh, look who's finally awake."

His voice snapped her back to reality, she runs and hugs him, tears of joy falling down her cheeks.

"SUKI! You're home!"

She smiled through her happy tears, kissing him deeply, letting soft moans escape her lips, holding him close.

He kissed her back, stroking her cheeks, chuckling softly. After a good 3 minutes of wet kisses, he slowly pulls away to look at his soon-to-be wife. She is wearing a cute set of loungewear, her hair is in a single braid, and she's wearing light make up. He melts as she played with his hair softly twirling his bangs in her slender fingers.

"Suki~...Mmmnh~...Missed you~..."

She gives him eskimo kisses, giggling softly, as he holds her by the waist.

"Heh, I missed you more, Honibear~"

They make breakfast together, softly talking about what went on at the conference. Honi sips some sake to relax with him, while he prepared some eggs, pork belly, green onions, and rice. She watched him as he finished making the food and plating it.

She was blessed to have this man by her side. She notices that he's been working out a lot more, his chest and abs more defined. She runs her fingers along his chest, holding him from behind, feeling his warmth.

"Suki...I missed you so much. I kept myself busy to stop myself from going insane...Too many horrible thoughts were rushing through my head..."

She buries her face into his back, whimpering.

He turns off the pork belly, finished up the eggs and plated the food. He then took her into his arms, hugging her softly, giving her a passionate kiss.
"Mmmmnhh~..." 🧡

"Mmmmm~ Katsuki~..." 💜
She kisses back, softly moaning.

"Let's eat first...then...we'll enjoy each other, ok?~"
He smiles softly at her, stroking her cheeks.

She nods, leaning into his soft hands, smiling and blushing.

She ate her food slowly, watching him eat his. Her eyes are looking at he moves the food in his mouth, as if he's carefully analyzing the flavors. She finishes her meal and just looks at him, a faint blush on her cheeks...

He finishes up and grabs some wine from the fridge. He pours them a glass each and leans in, kissing her deeply as he sat her glass down in front of her.

"You amaze me every fucking day, you know that? I was focused on one thing only and that was to come back to you.
Even if a villain attacked the building where the conference was, I would still come back to you because there ain't a fucking thing that will stop me from coming home."
Bakugou kissed her hands then her, his wet kisses drawing her into a passionate haze.

"Show me how much you missed me, Suki, baby~..."
She kisses him deep and passionate, her soft hands rubbing his back gently.

He whispered against her lips, before he captured her lips again, this time picking her up and carrying her to their bedroom.

He lays her down gently and undoes the braid, her hair tumbling over her chest. He then helps her out of the clothes, leaving her in a sexy pair of bikini panties. He starts to kiss her neck, moving down to her breasts, licking the nipple softly before taking them into his mouth, one by one.

She shivers under his caresses and his tongue running down her abs, before she felt him remove her panties slowly, kissing the top of her nether lips. He looks at her as he slides his tongue in sensually, giving slow but firm strokes, moaning from her natural musk engulfing his senses...

"Baby, I missed you so~..."
He pleasures her slowly, taking in her essence, her nectar.

"Ahhh!~ Mmmmnh, I missed you too, Suuukiii~"
Holding his head gently, moaning.

"Mmmmhh~ I love it~ You taste amazing, Honi~"
Moaning as he slides his fingers in and out, sensually.

"Ohhh!~ Ohhh!~ KATSUKIII!~"
She cums all over his tongue, some of it dripping on the side of his mouth.

He wipes his chin, smiling softly at her, as she is a whimpering mess from his oral action. He slides her to him easily, kissing her as he slides into her, his hardened cock massaging her walls.

"Ohhh, fuck~ Oh, Kat~ Ohhh, baby~"
She moans softly, leaning her head on his shoulder as he thrusts into her, moaning softly as well.

"Ohhh, fuck~ Honiii~ Mmmnhh~ Love you~ Ahhh~ Hhhahhh~ Nnnhh~ Aahhh~ Hhhnngh~ Nnnhaaahhh~"
Is moving a little faster, gasping softly from the softness of her skin and moaning from her walls caressing him with every thrust.

"Ohhh, Suuuukiii~ Mmmnhh~ Ohhh, fuck!~ I'm close!~ Kiss me, cum with meee!~"
Honibea kisses him deeply as she cums on his cock, moaning and whimpering.

Bakugou moaned deeply as he came as well, holding her closely.

He kisses her deeply, moaning softly, panting lightly. She holds his face to see he has tears in his eyes.
She smiled warmly and hugged him, as in saying it's ok. He picks her up and they have a nice, warm shower, washing each other's backs, before changing into some clean clothes before laying on the bed, talking softly before going to sleep in a happy embrace.

The End 🧡💜

A.N: Hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! More on the way! Love you crazy simps!!💗

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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