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On high demand!

Basically couldn't just get the idea at once after reading your comments for the epilogue but I am here with it. Thank you so much for voting in such a big numbers and showing your love through your votes and comments.
It will ever be appreciative  to do the same on this one too.

Read on!


It was ridhima and vansh's half year anniversary  and so was vanshika's first birthday was approaching.

The Raisinghania's were the happiest .

Wait, did I mentioned the Raisinghania's?
O yeah!

After all angre  and his sister  are all together living the Raisinghania mansion.

Since Ridhima and vansh have got married the happiness has increased by folds, and cheery on the cake vanshika's cut antics have been a centre of attraction.

Anya and vanshika are together most of the time, ridhima is now a working women with her  Anva's groups of industries ruling the market.
Vangre are more chilled out and are also having a successful time with their company shares, going high.

Ridhima was back home , earlier as compared to ordinary days , today was no special day, but it seemed ridhima wanted to make it one.
First she sprinted through the stairs to anya's room only to find them sleeping peacefully and looking at the room, it was evident that they slept out of exhaustion.

The  colorful dough shaped into small cakes, kept on a toy serving plate on the floor, with the domino train in the center, the barbie dolls sitting by the bed side on the the floor.
Points for guessing that these toys were bought by anya herself to engage her with vanshika.
Anya was just a sister-in -law to ridhima, a loving and responsible one!

Anya too owned a Bakery show which has various branches across mumbai, and it's a leading one, with quality products. Still she takes days off on her own will to be with vanshika , despite ridhima's strong opposition.

Ridhima silently closed  the door and went to the room and opened it to find it little Messy .She first decided to clean up the room properly and then do whatever she has planned.

Fixing her hairs into a messy bun , she  sprang form one corner of the room to another, arranging the drawers, cupboards, shelves, the side table and bed. Keeping the things at their places.

At last while cleaning the side drawer she found a small black pouch with a white ribbon tied around it.
She looked at it confused and then opened it to find diamonds in it, she then smiled and then again tied it back properly "First he'll keep his things carelessly and then he will carry the house house on head for it" She muttered and walked upto the locker placed in the cupboard.

The locker generally belonged to vansh and he was the one to open it often, but for general information, he had told ridhima too about its opening and closing system.
Though he knew she will never open it, for she is understanding, but then too.

Ridhima opened it to keep the pouch and was closing it, when her eyes caught the attention of something familiar, A diary!?

She  panicked and immediately all the past came running through her mind, with her worst possible fears.

She immediately took the dairy and locked the locker back.
And closed the room at once, she flipped the pages Vigorously. Thinking how it be here?
When vansh found it?
Did he read it?

While flipping the pages , a small square shaped paper fell on the floor, gaining ridhima's attention, she immediately kept the diary beside her bent to pick it up, it was probably  written with a blue dot pen, by vansh, the writing was the evidence.

It was evening and vangre were back and found ridhima in the kitchen cooking something while anya was attending a call in a corner,and vanshika was busy in making the Barbie's hair.

They chose to get freshed first, and they interact with anyone.

After a few minutes all were seated  on the dining table, and were surprised to see ridhima pacing again and again, and everything coming up with plates and bowls and finally she to sat, and looked at everyone, staring at her bored.

"What bhabhi?" Anya moved her hand in dismay at ridhima's constant pacing.

"Are you done" Vangre's voice synced.

It was evident from their voice that they were surely bored.

"Achcha, am sorry, look at the dishes!" She exclaimed ignoring their rants.

And surely she made the day special  with their favourite issues laid in front of them and that too homemade.
The faces lit up in happiness and excitement and with this started that dinner.

After about an hour, they were done with the dinner, and departed to their rooms, after anya's constant bugging, ridhima finally gave her the permission to take vanshika to her room tonight.
With vansh and ridhima left on the table.

"Something special? " Vansh asked out of blue.

" Just out of love" She answered.

"Something happened ? " He asked scanning her eyes.

" Yeah " She answered and walked upto his chair and back hugged him and continued " Something happened, you know the respect, the love, the urge to spent my life with you, just increased by thousand folds!......"she paused,and whispered "I love you vansh " In his ears.

He whispered back" I love you more than you can even imagine"  And they joined their hands, and promised to Themselves to hold it forever.

And a clear picture flashed through ridhima's mind , the note!

*I wish ridhima ,you had told me the truth! But vanshika is always gonna be my princess, Daddy's Princess!
Despite being the reason of your loneliness you loved me!


The End!

Hoping that the epilogue met your expectations and thank you so much for showering all the love on this book.

Keep sharing it with your friends.
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