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Seoyeon shuffles through a pile of files she has to get done by this week when she feels a pair of eyes contemplating her thoroughly. When she catches the sight of him, her boyfriend Jungkook, she smiles. Jungkook quickly darts his gaze to the computer screen beginning his undone work once again after being distracted by a familiar woman.

Seoyeon gives a chuckle perceiving jungkook's act. Now, that she thinks about it, jungkook's actions always speak louder than his words. On their very first encounter, he would hardly utter any words making it harder for her to carry the conversation on. Not that her being an introvert too was a plus point, they were just colleagues back then and it would be awkward to talk about random things so they kept the conversation short.

                                                            [Seoyeon's pov]

No one would have thought we would end up dating each other. If it weren't for my parents, especially my mother, Seoyeon would still be single. Seoyeon never despised the idea of her being single, she never had felt the need of having a significant other in life. Being aware of this, her mother still chose to be strongly against Seoyeon's outlook.



Seoyeon, up for a dinner tonight with me and your dad?


all of a sudden?


we just have some things to discuss with you besides it's been long since you had dinner with us.


Oh okay, mom!


see you tonight :)




The wine glasses clink together. Seoyeon sips her drink and shifts her gaze to her mother who is sitting in front of her. "What is it mom that you wanted to discuss with me?" "uh..ah...seoyeon", Seoyeon's mother hesitates to begin and looks nervously at Seoyeon's dad who's sitting right next to her. Seoyeon's dad gives her a reassuring look and she finally musters up the courage to speak.

"Dear, you see you're in your thirties right now....an age ideal for marriage and having children. Don't you want to have a family of your own? Have you never given a thought about it?" mom begins. Seoyeon promptly cuts her off by saying "mom, we have discussed this several times I don't get why is it so hard for you to understand that marriage is not in my plans at least for now. I am very much in content with myself right now and marriage isn't much of a deal you think it is." her voice slightly louder as she spoke the last words. Her words infuriated her mother leading her to wail at Seoyeon "Oh, How would you ever know how valued marriage is in one's life when all your life you haven't even been in a relationship?" her words irked Seoyeon but coming to think of it she was right Seoyeon never had a "special one" in her life. She barely had any friends in high school...she would never hang out with her classmates and hated it when they would meddle with her personal life and make assumptions about her and that's how she ended up being a loner, a few years after she finally made up her mind to make friends and be social after graduating uni. At first, it was physically and mentally draining but with time she was able to become social and make a few friends. Even after all this, she loved being all on her own and recharging her social battery from time to time which we all do and should but sometimes the absence of people in her life would keep her up at nights thinking if there would have been someone beside her in all walks of my life, would things have had been different?

"Are you listening to me Seoyeon...? "

 "Oh, yes mom." "Look I don't want to force you or something, but you should know I and your dad won't be by your side forever, we are just worried that you'll end up being on your own. I believe if you find a guy, you can rely on him. Give it a thought, Seoyeon." So you're telling me you think I can't be on my own and that I would need someone to depend on? What's wrong with you mom, all my life I've tried my bloody best to be independent, and now that I'm independent I need to marry a guy who can look after me? I'm so tired of explaining all these shits to you multiple times, I believe I have the right to do what I want in my life, isn't it? " "Yes dear, but try to understand- " Mom, I'm so tired I have my shift early morning tomorrow I really can't bear all this anymore, I'm off and I apologize if I made you mad, goodnight!" Seoyeon said the very last words and took her departure.

On her way back home, Seoyeon kept on thinking about why her mom thought she needed someone to rely on. Seoyeon thought to herself, is she doubting me, and my capabilities or does she have no faith in me that I'll be fine on my own? I do get her concerns, but can't she just trust me on this?

//few days after (still in flashback)

I was in the middle of getting my work done for today as my co-worker Eunji spoke, "Seoyeon, I am so sorry but a plan has been made in a haste for the evening today and you gotta be there at any cost."

"Oh? What plan though?"

"It's a success celebration for the deal we got from the turkey clients."

"Is my presence really required though? You guys can carry on."

"Well, you're the major reason as to why we secured that deal, without your presence it's all meaningless."

"uh, alright. I'll see you at eight."

I happened to reach the club a bit later than I was expected to. I walked past the crowd to where most of my co-workers were, my hands clutched to my satin little dress as some of the interns eyed me up and down. "You look fabulous.", they said. I wasn't really sure of whether they were being honest or not but I couldn't care less. What bothered me was how to mingle with them without my social anxiety kicking from time to time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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