Chapter 2 : Siblings?

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One night George was sleeping and woke up in a forest that confused him
He thought to himself "this must xd's doing, no doubt he wants to talk to me" the mushroom thought as he walked into the forest a while later he found Xd. So what what's this about? George asked the god.

I just wanted to tell you something..... The god replied
Oh, okay tell me, the mortal got closer to the god
Well, do you have any siblings? The god asked George hummed
I have a sister! George replied
You do?
Yeah, why?
Well........ I also have siblings of my own...... The god tilted his head a little
I didn't know you had siblings.
That's because no one talks about them anymore...
George had a conversation with Xd. After a while George started to hear something, "sorry Xd I got to go I think the others are calling me" George apologises. "Oh, it's okay" the god stood up and everything went black and George woke up!
"Finally you woke up, we were worried sick!" Sapnap shouted. Yeah we thought you died! "Philza replied
" Chill, I only slept and had talk with Xd," the mushroom mortal realised what he said. "Really!? What did you talk about? Philza got closer to George along with sapnap, tell us!" George sat there knowing he'll be dead after this.
Umm, no! He'll kill me if he found out! The mushroom man worriedly said. "Oh come on, he won't because me and the others won't tell him" Sapnap promised George looked in front of him he saw Tommy, Tencho, Wilbur, Fundy, and slime, he gulped.
How can I possibly trust you after blowing our surprise party next year for Dream two weeks ago!?

~Flash back~

I promise I won't tell! Sapnap promised. Fine but if you see him make sure to warn us, okay? George asked
I promise!

Everyone was planning on Dream's birthday for months now everyone was so excited.
"There here!" Purple shouted with joy every one was in their positions ready for the door to open when it did they waited for Dream to turn the lights on

"Why is it so dark in here?" Dream taking his mask of then heading to the light switch once he turned it he looked in front of him.


Dream was surprised to see every his friends were here.

Happy birthday Dream!!!

Everyone went closer to Dream. Aww, thanks but, you shouldn't have I mean non of is necessary- Dream was cut of
No way! We planned it for months now come on just have some fun with us, you deserved it after working so hard! Puffy spoke up. Well, if it means I can take a break, then Okay!

YAY! Everyone cheered.

They all had fun, enjoying their time together especially Dream since this was the first time he got to spend time with his friends.

Don't worry Dream, it'll be much better, we're planning a another surprise party for you next year! Sapnap covered his mouth after realising what he just said

Sapnap! Everyone yelled at him

Oopss, hehe. Sapnap immediately began to walk away after he blew their next surprise party then he ran.

Get him! Tommy shouted as everyone ran to get him except for Dream since he didn't care at all

~End of flashback~

"Okay so I might have spoiled next year's surprise but hey, it was an accident okay I was distracted that time" Sapnap scratched his head.
Your lucky we spared you... Philza glared at him. Sapnap gulped fearing for his life that time.

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