Part 97

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It was the month of June already. Two months across and things were just getting better for Manik and Nandini in their personal lives. However, Navya was the same and even more brutal with her words. No one knew why she was not able to understand that everyone cared for her. She used to get upset over the little of things, suppose if Nyonika would cook something which was Nandini's favourite. Things as little as thing were doing nothing but destroying the peace of Malhotra family. Cabir and Navya were having regular fights , however Navya always managed to make her way back into good books of Cabir at the end of the day, the next day used to be the same headache.

One Friday,

"Cabir, I want to tell you something" said Navya

"Don't tell me you want to fight with Nandini again Navya , I am fed up of that" said Cabir not paying enough attention

"I am pregnant" said Navya looking at him gelling his hair as he turned around and his gel dropped down.

"What?" asked Cabir not sure of what he heard

"I am pregnant" said Navya standing infront of him.
Cabir hugged her instantly smiling wide. He was going to be a father, that was the most beautiful feeling for him.

In the evening, all of them told it to Nyonika, Raj, Manik and Nandini and they were happy for them. Very happy.

Days passed by and a sense of insecurity crept in again. Navya feared that her child which was to come in this world in a matter of months , he/she would not be given the rights of a Malhotra because it would not be one. She did not what to do to secure the position of herself , he child and Cabir in the family. Pondering over it, she knew what she had to do .


"Hii Manik" said Nandini happily  as soon as Manik picked up her call.

"Mrs. Malhotra is too happy today. What's up?" asked Manik

"Yes I am, Bhai told me that he likes a girl " told Nandini

Manik knew about it already via Mukti but he had to make sure Nandini is not known to this.

"Wow that's nice, when are we meeting the girl?" asked Manik pretending to be new to the information.

"Soon, he said he would plan a meetup. What were you doing?" asked Nandini

"Nothing much, I was about to come home when Mr. Sinha, the advocate he called me up and he wanted to have some signatures, I don't know of what so it would take an hour maybe" said Manik.

"Oh okay, message me once you leave the office. Come soon" said Nandini

"Okay bye" Manik put the phone down and waited for the advocate.

It was 10 at night when Manik returned home. He was off and it reflected on his expressions. Nyonika and Raj asked about his whereabouts, and he was all dull during the conversation. Nandini knew something was wrong, he was alright when they last talked . Nandini also did not miss the discontent expressions he had whenever his eyes landed on Navya. What was happening, she needed to know.

Having the dinner, they all retired to their rooms and so did Manik and Nandini.

Manik did his usual chores, his hair and skin routine, god knows why he was so obsessed with his hair while Nandini waited for him patiently sitting cross legged on the bed. Manik sat down beside her resting on the headboard . He knew he had to tell it to Nandini and he also knew she knew he had something to tell her.

"Manik" Nandini called out softly

"What is disturbing you?" asked Nandini.
Manik opened his eyes to meet her concerned ones . He opened his left arm for her to join in the blanket. Nandini shifted beside him.

"Navya asked Mr.Sinha for some property documents and she has asked him to prepare papers that say that whatever is on dad's name except the business and the house because it is on Mom's name, goes on Cabir's name" revealed Manik shocking Nandini to the core. She was too shocked to react. Never in the wildest of her dreams had she thought that Navya would think of partition of shares.

"Manik, let's go tell this to Mom and Dad" said Nandini. She wanted the family to know.

"Nandini I have told Dad already. He needed to know and he will talk to Mom. This is not the problem. It's okay if Navya wants the properties on Cabir's name, the problem is that all of the NGOs, the rajpur road branch of Malhotras, I have worked on that and have been working on that solely. It's on dad's names and that is it. I have worked hard for those projects Nandini. What about that?" said Manik. Obviously he loved Cabir but still the flashbacks of the hardwork he had put in for all these projects on his own money without Raj's help and the thought of all of it not being his pierced his heart. He was not ready for this.

Nandini hugged him tight from the side kissing his chest assuring him of things to be at a better place someday.

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