Chapter Sixteen

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The loud knocking jolted Eryx awake, his body was still groggy from sleep. He had dozed off in a chair, his hands hanging limply at his sides. Despite the numbness and throbbing headache, he mustered the strength to stand and opened the door to the prince's chambers.

Inside, Cassius was already awake, his eyes alert as the doctor entered to examine him. It had been a week since the ill-fated fishing trip that left Cassius wounded. Despite the efforts of the kingdom's best surgeons, his wound had yet to heal. Cassius attempted to sit up straight, but the doctor gestured for him to remain still. With a fluid motion, the doctor removed his overcoat and began the examination.

Eryx couldn't help but feel nervous, his gaze shifting distrustfully between the doctor and Cassius. The prince remained stoic, offering no discernible expression. Outwardly, he appeared calm and collected.

However, Eryx couldn't ignore the signs of Cassius's illness. His flushed face and rapid breathing indicated a high fever. Despite his ailment, Cassius possessed a magnetic allure. His luscious blonde hair flowed freely, framing his scythe-shaped eyebrows that furrowed as he sighed. Regal features included an imposing nose, prominent cheekbones, and a sturdy jawline. His robust physique boasted a sculpted chest, and his nomad-blue eyes sparkled beneath his masculine, designer stubble. He resembled one of those picture-perfect models often found in advertising leaflets.

"The last stitches were removed this morning, and Your Highness will be nearly as well as ever in a fortnight. You may rise from the bed, but I advise limiting your activity to ten minutes at a time. Tomorrow, you may double the duration. It is crucial for you to regain your strength as swiftly as possible," the doctor informed Cassius.

"Okay," Cassius croaked weakly. Taking this as his cue to leave, Eryx bowed respectfully before exiting the chambers. Once out of sight, he released a relieved sigh, tears welling up in his eyes. For days on end, he had been unable to sleep, eat, or focus on his duties. His mind had been consumed by worry for Cassius and his well-being. Hearing the doctor's positive prognosis felt like an immense burden had been lifted from his shoulders. Hastily wiping away his tears, Eryx made his way downstairs.

Memories flooded his thoughts, recalling the early weeks when he stood outside Cassius's chambers. The dimming candlelight lining the hallways seemed inconsequential compared to Eryx's unwavering devotion. Despite the guards and his acquaintances urging him to rest, his conscience forbade him from doing so. However, now he felt a newfound lightness as if he could finally enjoy a proper night's sleep after what seemed like an eternity.

A smile graced his lips as he entered the bustling kitchen. Mister Hastings barked orders about uncooked steak and oversized potato pieces. Even when the cook scolded him for being in the way, Eryx maintained his smile. The workers and even Mister Hastings regarded him with curiosity as he prepared a tray to be taken to the prince's chamber.

"Is he the same irritable lad who came down yesterday complaining about too much salt in the salad?" Mister Hastings asked, but the workers just shrugged and went back to concentrate on their tasks.

When he entered inside, the mood had shifted completely. One of the maids called him out to help her. He placed the tray aside carefully as he pushed past the crowd gathered around the prince.

His eyes went towards the prince's elongated form, slumped back in bed in agony and stress. 

His eyes went toward the prince's elongated form, slumped back in bed in agony and stress. A few maids were gently wiping down his bare torso and arms with cool clothes, removing the sweat and the crust near his abdomen. Eryx nodded weakly at him as their eyes met.

Seeing the tray, the maids glanced at each other before curtseying and leaving the room. Eryx halted as his eyes downcast at the prince's stitched wound, the skin around it red and tender, striking against his beautiful ivory skin there.

"Ahem, I need you to help me put my shirt on," Cassius spoke.

He nodded and picked up the crimson silk shirt lying at the edge of the bed. The prince shifted backward, swaying the comforter with him. Cassius slowly stretched out his right hand, and Eryx helped him get it inside the shirt's sleeve. For a minuscule second, Eryx's fingers brushed against the prince's hand. Cassius instantly stiffened at the touch. Eryx got the message and immediately retracted his hand as though he knew that his touch was unwelcome.

Cassius's eyes guiltily snapped towards Eryx's face, but he looked composed and unaffected. His eyes were focused on his current task. He stretched out his left hand, enabling him to help him wear the other sleeve; now all that was left out was to button it up.

"Uhh, Eryx..." Cassius started. Eryx's eyes widened; this was the first time the prince had correctly addressed him by his name. Usually, he called him a peasant with a dark, taunting tone. But today, he looked sincere, gentle, and dare he thought, a little shy.

"You acted well back when we got ambushed because of my stupidity. You were brave and combated against them with strength and courage. Thank you for saving me," he finished. Eryx was dumbfounded; he hadn't expected the pompous and haughty prince to acknowledge him, much less show gratitude towards him.

"Thank you for your kind words, your highness. It was my duty to look after you. And err, do you want me to help you with those buttons?" he asked, smiling as his heart had swollen up a little at the prince's words.

Cassius nodded as Eryx came over and sat beside him on the bed and leaned in closer. Cassius felt his minty breath on his collarbones, and his fingertips faintly trailing against his neck. His face heated up, and this time it wasn't because of his fever.

Eryx was buttoning him up, but he was painfully slow with the task. Cassius caught him twice staring at his wound.

"Do not look there. It's a nasty wound," Cassius spoke. Eryx flinched a little at his tone, and his head drooped downwards with sadness.

"I had once a similar wound at the same place not too long ago. It's healed now. So, don't worry, your highness. Time will heal everything," he replied.

Cassius stared at him for a moment and then caught his slender wrist in his hand suddenly. He felt a sharp throb on his forehead as his body collapsed on the soft mattress, stringing Eryx along with him. Eryx felt directly over Cassius's bare torso, and their legs got tangled together, but he looked worried. "Are you okay, your highness? Should I call the doctor?"

Without thinking about his actions, he intertwined his fingers with Eryx's and gave it a light, comforting squeeze. Then he placed it over his bare torso as Eryx felt his breath hitch. He felt like he was on fire like he might spontaneously combust at any moment, like someone had set a slow and steady match beneath his center, deep in the pit of his stomach.

With a smirk, Cassius said, "I know what you're doing. But don't try to touch my scar, it still hurts me."

"Eh? I wasn't trying to do anything. I was just trying to take care of it, your highness..." Eryx replied, his mood dampening.

Cassius let go of his hand, and Eryx rolled away from his body and stood up abruptly.

"You look tired. Get some sleep," Cassius commented.

"I will. Once you're well. I'll inform one of the nurses to call the doctor, your highness," he said, trying to scurry far away from the prince.

But the prince caught his hand again as if sensing his intentions. "Don't go, stay with me, please."

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