Day 1: Pranks (Origins)

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The first to awake on this day was Ranboo, an enderian.

When he woke up his first thought was 'its fucking April fools bitches' and he got to planning his usual prank on Tubbo, a Bee.

His usual prank was nothing extreme but it always worked, he simply put a small honey trap at the bottom of Tubbos hive and he falls for it. Very simple!

Tommy, an avian woke up second, his usual prank was either pulled on Phil or wilbur, an Elytrian and a Phantom. He would occasionally pull a prank on Techno, a rabbit tho it never ended well.

Niki, a Merling, was next to awake. She couldn't do much but her favorite prank which didn't happen often, was to pull ranboo and Jack into the river for a few seconds, always getting them out within the first 5 seconds tho.

Tubbo woke up after Niki did, much to his dismay ranboo had already pulled his prank and he fell for it again! If a human came by he(Tubbo) would be the easy target! His normal prank was normally on Tommy which wasn't much of a prank, it was simply pushing him off a cliff to which he'd respond with slow falling and a middle finger up.

Everyone was having fun pulling their pranks, Tommy and Ranboo teamed up against Tubbo and this is how it went

"So what's the plan?

"Wait till he walks over trying to find flowers and then tackle him"

"Are you sure that's?-"

"Did it all the time as kids, now shush ranboob or you're gonna get us caught"

Tubbo came over not long after, Tommy gave ranboo a look that screamed 'imma do it' to which he responded with a 'please don't' face but he had already pounced and tackled the smaller boy to the ground

It was a funny sight to say the least, at the end of the day Tommy had poisoning from Tubbo stinging him as revenge but as long as they all had fun, they were happy

I started this at 3:00 AM, rn it's 11:05PM AND THIS IS STILL SHIT, I ran out of ideas half way through zo it makes sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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