5: The Revenge Starts

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Nandini's pov

I was shocked I can't believe this. How is this even possible. He can't be the same Manik, No.

"I am the same one Nandini" he said and I looked at him

I went back to the flashback

"Cabir are you alright, what happened?" Navya asked as I was also present there

"Nothing" he said wiping his sweat

"Cabir what happened tell me?" She again asked

"I never wanted this to happen, I never thought this will happen" he said

"But what happened tell me"

"Manik, Navya He...he is no more. He is dead, someone ki...killed him" he said and I was shocked

"What? How can this happen. He was such a nice guy who would be his enemy?" She asked and I was all quite listening to him

"I don't know but...but I...he was my best friend" this time he was having tears in his eyes.

"Nandini can you please leave us alone" Navya said while I kept quite and left

Back to present:

"He almost lost himself when he got to know about your death" I said

"He can't be. Fuking liar he is" he said angrily


"Nandini" he said holding my face in his hands "I want the revenge can you help me?" He asked and I was numb

"From whom?" I asked

"The one who killed me" he said caressing my cheek with his thumb

"Do you know him?" I asked

"Not everyone but some of them" he said and I was shocked

"You were killed by a gang?" I asked

"You can say that" he said

"But who are they Manik?" I again asked

"I will tell you time by time but first tell me will you help me?" He asked and I just looked in his eyes, This man

"Yes I will" I said

"Think again as your life can be in danger" he said

"I am not scared to die" I said confidently

He looked at my lips for a quite long time before leaving me. Controlling himself

"I think you should sleep now" he said with his back at me

What is going in his mind?

"Manik?" I called out his name but he didn't turn


"Look at me?" I demanded


"Why?" I asked

"Because I don't want to" he said

I stood up going in front of him. He was going to turn but I stopped him. His face was all dry suddenly, pale and cold as ice

"Manik, what is happening?" I asked holding his face, fuck its very cold

"Nothing leave me" he said jerking away my hand

"Manik tell me" I said but he stayed quite "Manik"

"I have been kept in a cold area after being killed so this happens sometimes" he said

"Aren't you feeling cold?" I asked

"I am but I have to bear" he said "Now I am going you should also sleep" he added

But before he could go I held his hand pulling him close I hugged him tightly

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Nothing" I said snuggling more and more into him

"Nandini" he called my name but stopped

He hugged me back tightly his cold body was making me shiver on my place but I kept myself strong

"Nandini you will catch cold" he said without breaking the hug

"No I will not" I said

I broken the hug to look at him he was having a weak smile on his face. It pinched my heart, he is fucking hurt.

I wish he wasn't dead.

I captured his lips with mine chewing them slowly, while he too responded back after a couple of seconds. It was a soft light kiss.

He starts taking slow steps to backward and I fell on bed. He hovered over me and again start kissing me. This time it was wild. He was rough as like chewing a bubble gum

"Why are you so fucking attracted?" He asked taking deep breathes

"I don't know" I said and he again kissed me hard, Fuck

He was normal by now the dryness from his face vanished and he was back to normal

"Nandini" he said and I opened my eyes

"Why are you doing this?" He asked but I stayed quite

"I just want to help you" I said

"But why you don't even know me" he asked

"I don't know Manik. I don't have a reason it feels right to help you" I confessed

"What if you lost your life?" He asked and I smiled

"I don't have a problem with that" I said

He again captured my lips, he is different everytime. I don't know how to even explain what is happening to me right now. I am loosing my controls

"Can I have you?" He asked straight

"Yes" I said unknowingly and he attacked on my neck

I held his hairs in my fist he was wild, oh man what is he even doing?

Suddenly there was no weight of him on me. I opened my eyes to see him nowhere. He disappeared

I looked around but he was nowhere. He left?

"Manik?" I called out but there was no reply "Manik are you there?"

He left again. Will he come back?


Next day I was sitting on stairs of college reading a book. It was when my eyes fell on him. He was standing near a window

Today I am not gonna look at him let him do whatever he wants.

"Hey" I listened a voice and I turned around to see a young guy sitting besides me

"Hii" I responded back

"Are you alright I mean I never saw you so sad" he said and I was all confused

"What you mean by that. Do I know you?" I asked

"No but I do" he said and I looked at him confused

"How?" I asked

"What if I say I am stalking you from the very first day" he said and I was shocked

"I am not in a mood of these type of things so please leave my way" I said again concentrating on my book

"And what if I say I am not lying, Can we be friends?" He asked forwarding his hand

"I am n..." I stopped looking at Manik he was not there anymore "I am not interested" I said and left the place

Alina ❤

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