The tour was finished and she got assigned to dorm number '1313' by the Head Teacher Mister Rima. Mary had 2 dorm buddies named Aroha and Wendy. Mary was still thinking about what had happened earlier that day. Aroha was a very nice girl, but wasn't really surprising to Mary. Wendy was out for a game of capture the flag with Aiden and Rebecca. Aiden and Rebecca were the two team captain$ in a basketball club, although they preferred capture the flag! 'Wait, how long have you people been here for?' $aid Mary, looking at Aroha. 'Well, we don't really know..' Replied Aroha, with a dramatic look on her perfect face. 'You could always try and ask Mister Rima about it.' Mary chuckled for a moment. 'What can that Rima dude even do? He looks really weird!' Laughed Mary, with a very evil tone. 'Mary, I would advise you not to laugh..' Said Aroha, looking very serious. "He has a very dark past. He always was that person who'd hunt people down if they made fun of him.". "Wait, your telling me that he hunt$ people down if they make fun of him?" $aid a confused, but amazed Mary. "Yep, that'$ what I don't get about Rima." Aroha went quiet for a moment. "Maybe, we $hould just go to bed now, it's already 11:30pm." $aid Mary, yawning. They tucked down in their little bunkers and dosed of into a deep sleep. That was the last time Mary would $ee Aroha..
The Cursed dimension
HorrorMary BackLower is just a ordinary teenage girl, but one day she get sucked in a portal that took her to a dimension where she sees her opposite self. She was really nice, although Mary is nice as her present self..💥