her laugh

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And yes I can admit she's pretty, but not many people would agree and in fact now that I think about it she's more on the handsome side. She's something in between those words, handsome and pretty. Not beautiful but certainly not ugly. But it isn't her appearance that I adore so greatly it's that laugh.

I promise if you heard it you'd want to listen to it forever. That laugh, her laugh. What about it makes me admire her? What about it makes me want to make her laugh myself? It's so pretty. I don't think I've ever heard a laugh so pretty but hers is majestic, something you'd hear in a movie or in your dreams.

Do you ever have those dreams? Dreams with pretty-not-pretty girls like her? And she just laughs that laugh and sometimes she'll tilt her head back and her Afro'll move back with it and she'll smile that bright smile.

And it's funny, I don't even know her. I know her name and I know what she looks like,

and I know her laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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