So when Jacob goes home he goes with his sister Kudra.Kudra and Jacob dont like eachother sometimes... When they get home Jacob walks to his refrigerator and opens it. Inside there is one Mountain Dew,A Gallon of Milk, and Cheese Its. So Jacob grabs the Mountain Dew and leaves. Kudra walks out of her room and sees Jacob with the Mountain Dew. So Kudra Gets really mad and runs up to Jacob and says "THATS MY MOUNTAIN DEW!" So Jacob says "No its mine I got it first also it doesn't have your name on it" so Kurda grabs it and turns it over and a note says "THIS IS MINE JACOB~Kudra". So they decide to share it and eat chicken and go sleep.
Magic Skool
AdventureOne day elis and blaze gode met a boy named garrat and eden. They went to a magic skool. Blaze gode and elias were already BFFFFFs but they were the same race. They were thug spiders. Eden and garrat were Yee dinosaurs. One friday elis and alec(blaz...