chapter 1

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"Great call 19!" Maya said through the radio. The team at 19 were called to put out a fire at a retirement home. Getting elderly people out safely had been a challenge, but everything turned out fine in the end, and everyone made it out safely.

As the team made their way into the beanary Maya said "Tough call you guys. Everyone get something to eat, we don't want anyone passing out on our next call".

"Heyyy everyoneee!" Vic and Andy said in unison as they made their way into the beanary. "We brought donuts!!!" Andy said with excitement.

Jack Gibson ran to the girls and started grabbing donuts like his life depended on it.

"Oy! Gibson! One per person!" Vic said as she slapped him on the hand.

After everyone else had left to do their chores, Maya made her way to her bestfriends, craving a donut.

"Omg Maya! Are you ok?!" Andy shouted as Maya got closer to them.
"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be?" Maya said confused.

"Um, cause your bleeding through you're pants?" Vic said as if it were the most normal thing ever.

"What?!" Maya said puzzled. She looked down at her pants and noticed the large blood stain making its way down her legs.

"Omg! I didn't think my period was gonna be that heavy. This morning I noticed it was heavier than normaly, and I put on a maxi pad, but by the looks of it it wasn't enough" Maya explained.

"Come with me" Vic said. "I have extra pads in my locker, I'll give you some to get you through the day".

As they walked out of the beanary, Maya started to feel really strong cramps.

"Ahh" She said, barely audible, but loud enough for Vic and Andy to hear.

Vic and Andy exchanged a woried look as their bestfriend bent over to grab her belly.

"Are you ok?" Andy asked when she saw Maya bending over and hugging her abdomen.

"No. I'm having the worst cramps ev- ahhh!"
She screamed as she felt the worst cramp. It felt like she was receiving 100 punches at once.

The unbearable pain made Maya fall over and hit the ground. She curled up in a ball trying to aliviate some pain, which she was failing miseably at doing.

"MAYA" Vic and Andy shouted together as they saw their bestfriend crumble to the ground.

Vic stayed with Maya, while Andy ran down to call and ambulace.

"AHHHHH IT HURTSSS" Maya shouted. At this point her body couldn't take the pain anymore and started shaking uncontrolably.

Just as she felt her next cramp hit her the paramedics ran into the beanary and started working on Maya.


"33 year old female. Has suffered excrutiating cramps. Was given morphine en route." The paramedic says.

Maya can barely tell what is going on around her. The last thing she hears before passing out is a woman with what appears to be an italian accent say "Ok, Trauma One. Lets go, lets go!"

When Maya finaly wakes up she is blinded my a strong white light. She immediately closes her eyes and tries to remember where she is and how she got there.

A couple of minutes later, she hears a soft knock on the door, and a tall brunette doctor walks into the room.

"Hi Captain Bishop. I'm Doctor DeLuca, I'll be your doctor today." The doctor says while typing something into the ipad in her hands. Despite the pain Maya still feels all she can concentrate on is how beautiful the doctor infront of her is. The way her wavy locks shape her face and the hazel brown eyes full of emotion had the blonde mesmerised.

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