Part 4

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"I'm not so sure about this Mike." You muttered nervously.
"Trust me, if he gets jealous it should provoke a confession." Replied the tall section commander confidently. "Now come on."
With a sigh you reluctantly entered the mess hall for breakfast and headed over to a table near where Erwin, Levi and Hanji were currently sitting.
Erwin noticed you immediately, his gaze instantly following you.
A frown spread across his face when you sat down with your back to him while Mike went to retrieve a coffee pot and two cups.
"I thought I told you to tell her how you feel already!" Snapped Hanji, forcing his attention onto her.
Levi rolled his eyes and sipped his tea. He had no interest in the commander's love life, or anyone else's for that matter.
"Tch, spare me please!" He grunted from behind his cup.
"Oh lighten up Shorty, it wouldn't kill you to help out!"
"I'll pass."
Erwin sighed and turned back to look at you, his bushy brows furrowing when Mike sat down next to you and put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
"Okay that doesn't mean anything." Said Hanji nervously, however she soon shut up when Mike kissed your cheek and rested his chin on top of your head.
"If anyone needs me I'll be in my office." Said the blonde commander bluntly, standing up and leaving the mess hall without so much as a backward glance.

You swallowed hard and tried to relax.
You were never against Mike hugging you, but this was not done under normal circumstances.
The previous day after finding out that Erwin, the commander of the Survey Corps was your secret admirer, you had confided in Mike that you wanted to know what Erwin's intentions were towards you.
You had no idea that Mike's plan was to make Erwin jealous enough to confess until he mentioned it a few minutes before entering the mess hall for breakfast. Yet now, here you were being held in his arms to try and get a rise out of the commander.
"So, what's happening?" You asked cautiously, not daring to look behind you.
"Hmm, seems he got mad and stormed out." Said Mike, still keeping you trapped in his embrace for a few moments longer to try and make it look convincing.
"Was he jealous then?" You had a feeling that he probably was, hence him "storming out" as Mike put it.
"Yeah he was." Replied Mike, finally releasing you and sniffing the air. "Extremely!"
"Mike I don't know about this." You muttered, rubbing the back of your neck. "Shouldn't I just ask him outright what his intentions towards me are?"
"So he can possibly lie to you, use you and then toss you aside like the others?" Snorted Mike. "I don't think so f/n!"
You sighed and picked up your coffee, sipping it thoughtfully. You had a bad feeling about this...

Erwin entered his office, closing the door behind him and leaning back against it.
Hanji had to be lying to him about you and Mike not being romantically involved, especially if that affectionate display in the mess hall had been anything to go by.
He groaned and rubbed his hands over his face upon hearing knocking on the door followed by a female voice.
The commander sighed and remained silent, trying to regain his composure before answering.
"What is it Hanji?"
"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly when he opened the door.
"I thought you said she told you they weren't romantically involved?"
"That's what she told me, she wouldn't lie. It's not in her nature."
Erwin pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes.
"So what do you call what we saw in the mess hall?"
"Maybe she's upset about something?" Mused Hanji with a shrug. "I know for a fact she always confides in Mike when something is bothering her."
"Hmm." The commanders bushy brows, you had seemed a little down after the expedition when two of your squad members were injured. Maybe a friendly chat might help? It would also give him an opportunity to test the waters and see if he could get you to maybe open up to him a little.
"Hanji, find f/n and ask her to come see me."
Hanji blinked rapidly and cocked her head to one side, a grin spreading across her features a moment later.
"Okay, that shouldn't take too long."
Erwin nodded and walked towards his desk, taking a seat and patiently waiting for your arrival.

You sighed deeply and walked towards the stable where your horse resided.
"Hey Whisper." You smiled, holding up a hand for her to sniff. Your smile widened when she affectionately licked you and lowered her large head, indicating she wanted her ears scratching.
You giggled and complied with the animals demands.
"At least I don't have to worry about you stirring up trouble."
The horse snorted and nudged your shoulder.
"You hungry?" You questioned, earning you a nod and a snort in reply.
"Okay I'll get you some breakfast."
"Ah, there you are!"
You looked up and turned around to see Hanji approaching from behind, there was a spring in her step and a smile on her face...nothing unusual there, but the glint in her puppy brown eyes made you question her intentions.
"Hey Hanji, what's up?" You forced a smile onto your face and tried not to look nervous.
"Commander Erwin wants to see you."
"Oh...he does?"
"It's okay you're not in trouble." Reassured the bespectacled brunette, watching you open up a new hessian sack of horse food. "Well, at least he didn't sound angry when he asked me to find you."
"That's really not helping!" You snorted, picking up a scoop and filling Whisper's bucket with oats.
"Well could you take your pretty little self back inside and see what he wants?"
"Yeah, just let me feed my horse."
Hanji nodded and stifled a giggle, surely if she kept pushing you and Erwin together he would have to confess his feelings for you at some point.
Hooking the bucket over the horse's stall door, you sighed and stroked her muzzle.
"Right, better go see the commander then." You mused, heading back towards the castle.
"It'll be fine Sweetie." Smiled Hanji, waving you away. "Trust me."

Mike was walking down the corridor on his way to the training fields, conveniently he passed Erwin's office on the way just as you started to approach from the opposite direction.
"F/n? Where are you going?" He asked quizzically, raising an eyebrow at you.
"The commander wants to see me." You replied. "I dunno why."
Mike smirked rather evilly, making you feel nervous.
Before you could register what was happening, he had grabbed your hand and was dragging you towards Erwin's office. When he stopped outside the door he knocked loudly on it.
Mike chuckled lowly, raising a finger to his lips and ordering you to be silent. You frowned suspiciously at him, had he and Hanji planned this current situation?
"Yes?" Asked Erwin again, this time he sounded rather annoyed.
"Mike, what are you doing?" You whispered harshly, but you were cut off when he placed a large hand over your mouth.
Your eyes widened in panic when you heard heavy footsteps approaching the office door...Erwin was moving around inside the office, probably coming to see what was going on.
Mike swiftly removed his hand from your mouth and pushed you against the wall, pinning you against it by placing his arm over your head, leaning over you and staring down in a rather provocative manner.
Just when you opened your mouth to protest the sound of the chrome door handle next to you being turned interrupted you, followed by the door swinging open to reveal a rather angry looking Erwin stepping out into the corridor.
'Oh Shit!'
"Section Commander Zacharius!" Growled the blonde commander, folding his arms and glaring at the sight before him. "Would you kindly explain why you have Squad Leader l/n pinned against the wall in such a lewd manner?"
You swallowed hard and looked away, a furious blush sweeping across your cheeks.
'Nice one Mike, now I'm gonna get it!'
"Just having a friendly chat...Sir." Shrugged Mike casually.
Erwin's icy blue eyes narrowed as he turned his attention to you.
"Squad Leader l/n, in my office now if you don't mind."
"Yes Sir." You slowly slipped out from under Mike's arm and stepped into Erwin's office, failing to notice the dark glare the commander directed at his smirking subordinate before he followed you and closed the door behind him with a rather a rather slam.
"Sit." Ordered Erwin harshly, striding past you and taking a seat himself.
You immediately obeyed, bracing yourself for whatever punishment he was planning on throwing at you.
"Now, would you care to explain to me what was going on out there?"
"I would if I could Sir." You muttered weakly. "I have no idea what's gotten into him today."
"I see, well I shall be lenient this once." He continued, the anger in his voice was clear as day." However I do not wish to see you flirting with your superiors in the corridors again, that behaviour is not acceptable. Am I making myself clear?"
"Yes Sir." You nodded, refusing to make eye contact with him.
'Way to go Mike, you've really fucked things up for me now!"'
You couldn't get out of the office quick enough, you barely even managed a proper salute before you made a hasty exit. Only when the door closed behind you, did Erwin realize how badly he had messed up.
"Damnit Erwin, you idiot!" He muttered, burying his face in his hands.

"Hey f/n where's the fire?"
Hanji was nearly knocked off her feet as you rushed past her, desperately trying to keep your head down to stop anyone passing by from seeing the tears stinging your eyes.
"F/n come back!"
She was about to give chase when a thought struck her.
"Oh no." She groaned, making her way to Erwin's office and walking in without knocking. "What the hell happened?"
Erwin sat back in his seat and gestured for Hanji to sit down.
"I found Mike and f/n in a rather...compromising position outside my office." Stated the commander bitterly.
"What do you mean by "compromising" exactly?"
"I mean he had her pinned against the wall looking like he was about to kiss her." Just saying the words made Erwin want to vomit. "I let my jealousy take over and I ended up sending her away with a stern warning about flirting with her superiors.
"Erwin!" Snapped Hanji, standing up with enough force to make her chair screech as it moved across the stone floor.
"I know, I shouldn't have had a go at her. I just saw red..." A deep sigh escaped him and he looked Hanji in the eyes. "I've blown it haven't I?"
"She did look really upset when I saw her just now." Mused Hanji, sitting back down and folding her arms. "She's a resilient girl though, she'll soon bounce back. However, I have a theory on why Mike was "flirting" with her as you put it."
Erwin raised a bushy eyebrow at her and silently waited for her to continue.
"I believe he knows that you are f/n's secret admirer and he's testing you."
"Testing me?" Repeated Erwin, confusion evident on his features.
"To make sure your feelings for f/n are genuine."
Erwin blinked rapidly.
Now that he actually thought about it, you had looked extremely uncomfortable with Mike leaning over you...scared even if he was being completely honest,
"Hanji, where was f/n heading off to when you saw her?" He asked, standing up.
"Back to her office I believe."
Erwin nodded and made his way to the door, desperately hoping you would accept his apology and allow him to make up for his jealous behaviour.

Upon entering your office you closed and locked to door behind you.
With a deep sigh you wiped your eyes on the back of your jacket sleeve and walked up to your desk, picking up the roses from the vase and then reaching for the unopened chocolates. You were just about to throw them into the rubbish bucket when a knock at the door disturbed you.
After hesitating for a moment you waited to see if they knocked again, hopefully they would think you weren't in there and leave if you remained silent.
However this wasn't to be the case.
"F/n, I know you're in there, I can smell you."
Rolling your eyes, you dumped the flowers and chocolates into the rubbish bucket underneath your desk and opened the door, stepping to the side and allowing Mike to enter.
"What happened?" He asked worriedly, closing the door and following you back to your desk. A deep frown spread across his features at the now empty vase and lack of chocolates.
"Erwin just pretty much accused me of being a whore." You shrugged nonchalantly, however Mike could see right through your little act.
"Come here." He said softly, pulling you into his arms and hugging you tightly. He hated seeing you upset, although truth be told he was slightly mad with himself for pretending to flirt with you outside the commander's office.
"I'm sorry f/n." He muttered, gently stroking your h/l h/c hair. "This is my fault, I promise I'll make this right."
"Forget it, I'm not interested anymore." You sniffed, pulling away from him. "Erwin's made his feelings perfectly clear."
"He's just jealous, my plan worked...perhaps a little too well." His frown deepened, causing wrinkles to appear in his forehead when he furrowed his brows.
"Just forget it Mike." You sighed. "Forget the flowers, forget the chocolates...just forget everything. I'm done."

Erwin rushed through the castle towards your office, desperately hoping you would be in there alone.
"Hey Erwin!"
Erwin ignored whoever it was shouting him and carried on walking, his boots thudding off the stone floor with every heavy footstep he took.
"Oi Erwin!"
Rolling his eyes, he stopped and turned to look behind him, seeing Levi approach with an unreadable expression on his features.
"What is it Levi?" He groaned.
"Tch, am I keeping you from going for a shit?" Asked the short captain in a bored tone.
"Get on with it!" Snapped Erwin, putting his hands on his hips. In any normal circumstances the scout being yelled at would've been cowering in fear. However this was Levi, he wasn't scared of anyone or anything...expect dirt.
"This just arrived." Levi held out a sealed white envelope with my commander's name on it. "I assume it's from the higher ups regarding the results of the expedition."
"Thank you Levi." Nodded Erwin, taking the envelope from him. "Was there anything else?"
"Alright then."
Levi narrowed his eyes suspiciously as Erwin brushed past him and walked away, rather hastily he noticed. Deciding he wasn't curious and didn't care to find out what was causing Erwin's strange behaviour, Levi simply continued the short walk to his office.

Approaching your office door Erwin stopped and drew a deep breath, letting it out slowly he raised his fist to knock on the hard wood but hesitated when he heard voices.
Furrowing his bushy brows he leaned on the door and pressed his ear against it.
"I'm sorry f/n." He heard a deep gravelly voice say in a gentle manner, was that Mike? He couldn't be sure because it was rather muffled. "This is my fault, I promise I'll make this right."
"Forget it, I'm not interested anymore." He heard your voice a second later, damnit he really had upset you if the defeated tone in which you spoke was anything to go by. "Erwin's made his feelings perfectly clear."
"He's just jealous, my plan worked...perhaps a little too well."
"That sneaky bastard!" Muttered Erwin, he wasn't sure whether he should be relieved or angry.
Hanji had been right all along, you and Mike weren't romantically involved at all, but your former squad commander was indeed testing Erwin's intentions towards you by flirting and trying to make him jealous.
"Just forget it Mike." Came your voice again. "Forget the flowers, forget the chocolates...just forget everything. I'm done."
Erwin pulled back from the door, his icy blue eyes widening in shock. A lump formed in his throat, one he struggled to swallow down as he gulped, realizing just how badly he had screwed up.

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