The first meet.

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As Bails was getting ready for the day someone called him from a unknown number, so he silenced the call, not thinking about it, he later went to the store and he went to go cash out and as he was waiting for his turn he couldn't but think that the cashier was... kinda hot. When it was finally his turn Bails was kinda excited to be able to talk to the cashier, but what Bails didn't know is that the cashier went on break as Bails got to him. Bails gets done cashing out and he sees the cashier outside so he goes to talk to him, Bails introduces himself and the cashier introduces himself as Will. (A few hours later) Bails couldn't stop thinking about Will all day, so he makes a excuse to go back to the store to see him again. Bails walks around the store acting like he's looking for something but really he was looking for someone, Bails goes and cashes out and he sees Will again so he goes in his lane, Bails try's to make small talk with him but Will was to busy looking at the person behind him, Bails felt devastated but he kept trying and when he was about to leave Bails asked if he had a phone number or a discord or Facebook or anything so he can keep talking to him so Will gives him his phone number. 

[12:30 AM] 

Bails gets a text from the unknown number that called him and to his surprise, it was Will! The text said "Hello? Is this Bails *******? It's me Will" Bails couldn't help but be so happy that he texted him so Bails replied with "Yea that's me!" And then they started talking for hours which felt like minutes Bails was overwhelmed with excitement, [6:47 AM] Bails checked the time to realize they have been talking for about six's hours! Bails had told Will that they should both go to bed and that it's early and they didn't sleep but Will didn't want to stop talking so he says "Well I get out of work early today so why don't we meet up?" When Bails saw his message his mind filled with scenarios on what might happen that he forgot to reply for a few minutes so Will felt ignored and that he may have messed up so he says "I'm sorry if I made u uncomfortable we don't have to I was just thinking that it would be fun" and then Bails exclaimed that he wanted to go but doesn't know we're to go and that he doesn't have much cash and Will told him that he doesn't need cash and they can go for a walk or something in town, Bails was SO excited but they both agreed they needed to go to bed. 

[In the afternoon] 

Bails was getting ready as if it was a date he was so scared of something going wrong he forgot to check his phone, once he was done he looked for his phone and saw that Will had texted him saying he's at the park waiting for him, Bails feels bad for not seeing this but he quickly texts back saying "Omg I'm so sorry I'll be on my way" Bails quickly drives over to the park and looks for Will but when he found him, he was talking to a different guy and for some reason Bails felt a little jealous but he texts Will saying "Where are u?" (He ofc knew where he was but didn't want to seem like a asshole) and Will quickly replied with "I'm over by the big cherry tree" So Bails walks up behind him and taps his shoulder Will was shocked on how amazing Bails looked. They start walking around the park and talking for hours and hours like there wasn't a care in the world, Bails asked Will after talking for a LONG time if he was single or not and Will said he was but not looking for a relationship rn so Bails felt a little upset but he liked talking to him so he thought maybe one day they would fall in love. Will had asked Bails what his sexuality was and Bails replied with being Omnisexual! (Meaning he likes all genders but has a preference) Will was shocked at first but when Bails asked what his sexuality was he went silent and they continued there walk. 

[6:22 PM] 

Bails said he needed to go home and that he had fun with Will and that they should do it again some time and Will agreed with him. When Bails got home he got a text from Will asking if he made it home safe and Bails thought that it was nice of him to make sure he was ok and texted back saying "Yea i made it home lmao" Will didn't sleep much that night we was to busy thinking about when they were at the park together and thinking about what Bails asked about he's sexuality but he didn't know what his sexuality was. [10:46] Will was watching tv when he got a text from Bails the notification said 


Goodnight Will! And don't stay up to late 

Will responded with "Goodnight Bails! And I wont don't worry!" (He was going to but he didn't want Bails to worry) 





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