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~Stefan's POV~

I shake my head a little at Damoms comment. Though he did have a very good point, it was extremely annoying that people would just walk in whenever they wanted. I chuckled a little, opening the door to reveal her. I felt my heart stop at the sight of her standing on the other side of the door.

"It's you..." I saw some red tears prick up in Fae's eyes as she stared at me, and I could feel tears welling up in mine. "It's me..." her voice was like soft windchimes with a roll of that familiar British accent. She looked almost the same besides the hair. It was no longer red and down to her back but a little past her shoulders and a sparkly purple.

"Fae.." I whispered and pulled her into my arms. I felt complete again. Having her here. Right here. God, I hoped this wasn't a dream cause it would break my heart when I woke up if it was.

~Back To Normal POV~

Fae clung to Stefan's t-shirt, burying her face into his chest trying to stop the tears. "I missed you, Stefan. God, I'm so sorry I left." She choked out her words and Stefan blinked away his tears shushing her, "shhh shh it's okay. I missed you to Fae...God, I... let me look at you." He pulled away after a moment. He looked over her almost the same.

"You need me to do a spin for you as well there Mr Salvatore." Fae struggled to keep a smile off her face at the sight of her Stefan. Seeing him looking just as beautiful as the day she lost him was all the more hard in a way. Cause it denied to show all of the time they had missed together. "Yes yes, I do." Stefan took her hand and made her do a little twirl for him. This caused the two to laugh a little. "Still ever the classy gentlemen Stefan."

"Oh most definitely." He spun her right back into his arms placing a gentle kiss on her head. Oh and her scent. Now as a vampire he could smell how intoxicating she had truly been. It was as if she had stepped out of a bakery with every scent of fresh bread and sweets clinging to her that made him hungry. He helped down the thirst as he held her. He would not bite his soulmate unless she consented to him doing so. "Come on.. there's someone else who's going to want to see you," Stefan whispered, pulling her into the house, the door clicking closed behind them.

Stefan led the way into the living room his hand clutching at Fae's as if he was too afraid to let her go in case she disappeared again. "Who was at the door?" Elana had seen Stefan out the corner of her eye turning away from the other two vampires into the room expecting the youngest Salvatore to be alone at the doorway but seeing Fae standing way too close to her Stefan was not something she had expected or wanted.

"Who's this?" Elena's voice had changed drastically from a happy tone to a very cautious one hinting at frustration. Damon lifted his head from the couch his eyes widening at the sight. Before Elena could even blink Damon was at Fae his hands on her face having pulled her away from Stefan.

Damon was speechless looking down at his little soulmate his lips parted. He seemed lost for words as he cupped her cheek rubbing it over the soft flesh. "Hey, there handsome," Fae whispered back leaning into his touch and smiling softly, Damon's sleeve was rolled up so his soulmate words were on display. Fae leaned her head down placing a soft kiss over the black ink. "You being quiet is making me nervous.." She mumbled softly looking up to him with slight pleading eyes begging him to say something.

Rose looked on in awe. She understood the bond. Most older vampires did. A soulmate's bond was unique and far beyond special, so this was a sight to behold.

Elena who has no idea what was happening was feeling the ugly green monster rearing its head inside her. Who was this very flawed girl to come into this house and start taking the attention away from her? When her life was in danger and now the brothers were showering this stranger with attention and affection. Stefan looked at Damon and Fae with slightly jealously but it was something he had gotten used to a long time ago. But he understood, of course, he understood. Fae was his soulmate as much as she was Damons.

"Damon, please say something..." Fae looked up to her blue-eyed soulmate beggingly. The thought that he might hate her for being away for so long crossed her mind, sending her heart into a frenzy. Before she could say anything else, Damon finally spoke. "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." With that, he smashed their lips together with his hand, never leaving her face the other sliding around her back to keep her close to him.

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