Chapter 2: Proposals and Announcements

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So I changed the time of the story from 20 years after the Battle of Hogwarts to 5 years after because I thought that it would make more sense with what happens in the story.

Anyway... Enjoy chapter 2!

Harry jolted awake sweating and terrified. He turned over and looked at the clock. It's bloody two a.m.! Harry thought miserably. Unable to fall back asleep, Harry tiptoed acroos the hall to Ginny's bedroom.
At around seven-thirty a.m., Ginny woke up to Harry's emerald eyes staring right back at her. She screamed and fell out of her bed, shocked. Harry starting laughing hysterically as Giny yelled, "I HATE YOU HARRY JAMES POTTER!"

"Bloody hell!" Ron said running into the room. "What happened!?"

"He started it!" Ginny whined, pointing a finger at Harry. "Whaaaat?" Harry said in mock surprise.

"You know what? I don't believe that I care anymore." Ron stated, walking out of the room annoyed.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat together in Hermione's room, trying to figure out how Harry should propose to Ginny.

"I know! You could.... never mind, that won't work." Ron started, a bit discouraged.

"Oh! I know!" exclaimed Hermione. "It's Ginny's birthday next week and you could propose at her party!" She squealed, excitedly.

"Yeah! That's a great idea!" Harry said. "That's how I'm going to propose to Ginny!"
°fast forward to Ginny's birthday°

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Ginny yelled in Harry's face.
"Alright, alright. I'm up!" Harry replied. "Is it some sort of special occasion today that I should know about?" Harry asked jokingly.
"Yeah, it's my birthday, you dummy!" Ginny responded in a fake hurt voice.
"I know, I was just kidding Gin. I love you more than anything and I would never forget your birthday" Harry said lovingly as he walked toward Ginny. He then kissed Ginny so passionately that all of the air in her lungs was pushed out. Just as Ginny was about to deepen the kiss, Ron walked in and yelled, "OI, POTTER! WHAT'RE YOU DOIN' TO MY SISTER!" Harry blushed as he looked at Ron and then down at the ground. "Gosh Ronald, we were just kissing, and don't you ever knock? You're so rude and it's not like you don't do the same thing with Hermione!" Ginny retaliated. Unable to come up with a good response, Ron huffed and stormed out of  the room, red in the face.
"I guess we should get dressed before Ronald comes back and ruins everything again." Ginny said to Harry before getting up and pulling clothes out of the dresser.
°at Ginny's birthday party°

For her birthday, Ron and Hermione got her a brand new broomstick, a Nimbus 2000 to be exact, Charlie got her a grey striped kitten, whom she named Boots, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley bought Ginny and Harry a cruise to Jamaica, everyone new that it was for their anniversary except Ginny of course, Percy got her A gift card for the sweet shop in Diagon Alley with £50 on it, Bill got her an emerald colored convertible, and George got her a 50% card for his joke shop.

Harry was so nervous to propose to Ginny! Deep down he was certain that she would say yes, but he was still nervous. He stood up and said, "Ginny, I know you've wanted to know what my present for you is for a long time, so here goes."

Harry got down on one knee and said, "Ginerva Molly Weasley, I love you more than I can say and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen before and I never want to live another day if I can't call you mine. What I'm really trying to say is, will you marry me?"  Harry asked hopefully. By this point Ginny was crying because she was so happy. "YES, YES! I will marry you Harry James Potter! I love you with all of my heart!" With that Ginny embraced Harry and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

Thanks for reading my story! I love you all!


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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