Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    Dad Xia panicked when he saw the unconscious Xia Ye, no matter whether what this person said was true or not, and whether he was Xia Ye or Baby Xia, he was always his own son. I was sent to school on a summer night in this state.

    Xia's father turned the corner and sent the child to the hospital, and notified Xia's mother to come. Xia's mother came to the hospital with an unhappy face: "What are you doing here? Can you believe the nonsense that Xia Ye said? In my opinion. , this is all Xia Ye's conspiracy. He is jealous of his younger brother, and he hates us, that's why he came up with such a rhetoric to make the whole family restless."

    "This time is different, I really feel that the current Xia Baobao and Xia Ye are quite similar. Yes." Father Xia frowned, when he was in the car just now, he really felt as if Baby Xia was talking to him.

    "Old Xia, you were also deceived by Xia Ye." Xia's mother said directly, "You believe what he says?"

    "When the baby comes back, I will test him." Xia's father thought about it and said, strangely He also doesn't believe in chaos, but he always has the feeling that Xia Ye didn't lie this time.

    "I tell you, temptation is tempting, you must not scare the baby. The baby was born in October." Mama Xia said.

    "You will also treat Xia Ye a little better in the future, as if Xia Ye was not born to you in October." Dad Xia said.

    Xia's mother didn't speak. It was not until the doctor finished the examination and gave Xia Baobao an injection that Xia Baobao woke up.

    Xia Baobao looked at the empty ward and the needle in his hand. He couldn't help crying. In the past two days, Xia Baobao has refreshed his understanding. He was originally a child who grew up in a honeypot. suffered the most pain in the world.

    Xia Baobao looked at the white ceiling with resentment in his eyes. When he clarified his identity, he must let the Xia Ye in his body not survive or die.

    Intuition told Xia Baobao that Xia Ye was responsible for all his existence today.

    On the other hand, Xia Ye was at school and lived a day with Xia Baobao's body. He picked a bunch of expensive ice cream at noon and learned everything with a relaxed look.

    Xia Ye was a little happy. When he saw the immortals following him, he excitedly said, "I'm not stupid     . I can learn things slowly." Ye himself felt that he was stupid, but now he knew that he was not stupid, but that he had not been taught well.

    The prince looked at Xia Ye, who was dancing around because he learned the first grade of elementary school, and thought to himself, you are not stupid.

    But the prince came here at this time, not to see Xia Ye's stupid appearance, he straightened his expression: "After you left today, Xia Baobao and your father made a confession, Xia Baobao shared his preferences and little secrets in the past. , you remember all of these..."

    Xia Ye listened to Xia Baobao's words casually, the prince frowned: "Have you remembered? If you are found out, it is not a joke."

    "You say a real Can a seven-year-old child remember so much?" Xia Ye said innocently, "It doesn't matter if I can't remember a single word, as long as I remember that I am Baby Xia.

    " Makes sense.

    "There is obviously a safer way." The prince said with a frown, but he didn't feel that the 12-year-old Xia Ye was deeply scheming, he just thought it was too troublesome.

    "With the flaws, Xia Baobao can continue to die without giving up, and their family of three can continue to kill each other because of this." Xia Ye's tone was not like what a 12-year-old child would say, "Everything I have experienced, they It's fair to go through it again." The

    prince sighed, he used to only dance with knives and guns, and he didn't understand the joy of revenge.

    No matter, let Xia Ye love to toss, let him toss, who made this his first mission goal?

    After Xia Ye was out of school, Dad Xia looked at Bao Bao Xia with an unnatural look, as if he was observing something. Xia Ye smiled like a baby and jumped on Dad Xia: "Dad, I miss you so much."

    When Dad Xia felt the temperature of the familiar little son, the thoughts in his heart began to sway again, and he was about to leave while driving.

    Xia Ye raised his head with a curious look familiar to Bao Bao Xia: "Dad, my brother hasn't come back yet. You accidentally forgot about my brother, and my brother is going to lose his temper again when he gets home. I don't want my father to be murdered. "

    Dad Xia listened to the younger son's words, and remembered the countless subtleties of the eldest son in the past. Didn't he accidentally forget him from school, or he didn't apologize to him, why bother and trouble the whole family at home?

    Father Xia recalled the dark history of Xia Ye in the past, and couldn't help but wonder if the so-called exchange of souls was something Xia Ye made up by himself?

    As for making up such words, he has many advantages. If they believe it, Xia Ye will be able to completely replace Xia Baobao in this house. If they don't believe it, Xia Ye will have nothing to lose. He is such a cold-blooded person.

    "Did you play well with Xiaolan?" Dad Xia asked casually.

    "No, I like Xiaomei now." Xia Ye shook his head, clearly expressing the fickleness of a seven-year-old.

    When the family returned home, the food was set on the table, and Bao Bao Xia saw that Xia Ye was back with a nasty smile on his face: "Mom and Dad, it's him, he took up my body, and I am Bao Bao Xia."

    Daddy Xia frowned at such a miserable Xia Ye, a boy who is longer than a woman's hand, he really can't stand on the stage, just like a monkey in a hurry, he is not as dignified and dignified as a baby.

    "Do you know what Xia Baobao's favorite clothes used to be? What's your favorite teacher and classmate's food? You can't tell, you are fake." Xia Baobao put on Xia Ye's face and acted like a playboy. Xia's mother didn't mean to be used to it at all, she raised her hand and slapped it: "No matter what you are, where there are elders, you are not allowed to shout."

    Xia Baobao's face was burning with pain, and his eyes appeared again. Tears, he looked at Xia Ye, his eyes full of questions: "You said, you are Xia Ye, I am Xia Baobao, I know so many things you don't know, even if you want to hide it from you, you can't hide it. "

    My brother is so strange, is his brain broken? I'm Baby Xia, not Xia Ye. If my brother is sick, he needs to see a doctor. Don't make parents worry." Xia Ye said slowly, as if on purpose Angry in general.

    "Hurry up and tell the truth." Xia Baobao roared while pulling Xia Ye's body.

    "Brother, you're hurting me." Xia Ye's eyes turned slightly red, and she sniffed, "The truth is that I am Baby Xia and you are Xia Ye, even if you don't like your parents, you can only be Xia in this life. Night."

    Xia's mother saw that her baby was injured, and hugged her baby son in her arms, Xia Ye raised her head, her face full of doubts: "How can I prove that I am me?

    " You are my baby, you don't need to prove it." Mama Xia held her baby son in her arms and complained to Dad Xia, "I just said this thing was done by that beast in Xia Ye, you still don't believe it, look Look, you know now?"

    "Mom, why don't you believe me, what did I say wrong?" Xia Baobao said anxiously.

    "Xia Ye, you are very smart and you said it perfectly, but you forgot that the baby is only a seven-year-old child, how can he have such a scheming, he has finished eating today, and he will forget what he ate today tomorrow , how can I remember so many things." After Mama Xia said this, she looked at Xia Ye with a cold look in her eyes, "If I find out that you are doing small things in secret again, I will send you back to grandma. Home."

    This kind of person is not worthy of living with her.

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