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 "Five more minutes I take the device," My mother yelled from the living room. I was on a FaceTime with my girlfriend Beyonce. My parents know I am gay and made their rules home more strict, it is pretty annoying to me everyday there is a cut off time but like damm don't be pushing it up in my head all the time. "You will pay for the snack and I will do the lunch alright," I heard Beyonce said taping me out of my thoughts.

Bey and I planned a date at school it's going to be fun I just know it

"When you coming off"

"7:30" I replied, it really was annoying to me I loved talking to bey and it always has to be cut off short by my mother

I think it's time to go now seeing my mother shadow start to appear at my door I told bey I love her and she said it back as I hung up the phone

I gave my mom the phone and I was just planning the ways to kill her in my mind so I can have my way I am so fed up of this strict life it's like prison.

I got up starting my night time routine, getting my towel and heading to the bathroom knocking on the door I heard no one answer so that means no one is inside, yes I have to knock cause in this family they have strictness but no form of etiquette

I got in, took my shower and brushed my teeth continuing my nightly routine I put on my pjs I didn't feel to put on all that face care right now, I felt to lay down and sleep in bed and I did just that

I got in bed, getting my pink blanket that my aunt got me on Christmas Day  5 years ago covering myself with it I got comfortable getting ready to sleep. I open my eyes, couldn't sleep I didn't know why everything was like I had it. I had an idea I got up and turn off the light and went in bed I felt much better. This was my new liking going to bed in the dark.


The Next Day

My mother woke me up telling me I have to get ready for school I didn't move then she yelled it again then I got up slowly getting off the bed to go take a shower

I felt so lazy it took me 5 minutes just to reach the bathroom that's right connected to my room. Thinking about how I am going to meet beyonce at school made lightened my day

Singing in the shower was calming to me it helped with my vocals especially when I have choir practice after school. I am the best student in there well, after beyonce she has a voice of an angel it is so peaceful and relaxing to listen to at night. Getting out of the shower I dried off, did my hygiene and put on my clothes

I went downstairs to get my breakfast that was already made I got egg, pancakes, bread and cheese

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I went downstairs to get my breakfast that was already made I got egg, pancakes, bread and cheese. Those are my favorites for breakfast and it reminds me of home since we moved from Trinidad to America. It's different and sometimes difficult living in Houston with my accent and how I behave cause they don't understand I even sometimes have to translate myself for beyonce to understand what I am saying even I just changed the present tense it's not that hard you know but I still have to translate my sentences

I finished eating and I got my phone to go to school, I went outside in time because when I did the bus just pulled up by the house

I got in and looked for beyonce but she wasn't there I texted her but no response I wanted to cry....she made my day better when I go to school only her and my favorite teacher make my day in school. I like school because I get to talk to people and do work to get my mind off the hell that I will return to at the end of the day called home

The bus reaches to the school and I got out starting looking for beyonce

It took about 10 minutes for me to find her I was going to walk to her but she was talking to some girl by her locker I rolled my eyes I know I am never enough for anyone cause I am the girl who comes off the internet early cause she has a strict mother it's so fucking annoying I went through 5 break ups cause of this shit I just wanted to scream

I walked pass her but like she saw me cause she grabbed my arm and pulled me over she is strong

"Hey baby"


"Why so dry" she asked I get jealous easy and this is on of the times where I ignore her so I didn't respond

"I know what this is excuse us for minute" she told the girl and we went into the bathroom

"What" I said with attitude in my voice I am guessing she didn't like it cause she pinned me to the wall and looked down at me she is so fine I looked back at her 

"Stop thinking I want other girls when I only you....I know you might have to come off early but that don't mean I will cheat on you onika I love you even if your mom I behaving like that and all the strict stuff okay" she said looking deep into my eyes I only nod she always cheers me up 


"Okay and you promise?"

"Yes I promise baby" that word  

I pulled her closer to me and started kissing her she kissed me back her lips are so soft I didn't want to pull away I want it to last forever she was my getaway  she started pulling away but I wraps my arms around her neck to bring her even more closer to me she was able to get out of my grip she watched me and I bit her lip and pulled on it she warned me but I didn't care about the rules right now as I was tracing my hands down to her underwear the bell rung for first period that stupid fucking bell  we exited out the bathroom and went our separate ways to class 


It's short I know but the other chapter will be much better 

it's my girlfriend who told me to write again thank her  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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