part 2 of before

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(Tanjiros Pvp)

I sighed and gave them both a pat on the head
I looked up and saw Nezuko and went to her "hey Nezuko", "hey Tanjiro. Are you heading out to sell the charcoal?" Nezuko asked
I smiled, "yes, yes I am", "just be careful" she said "I will Nezuko"
I waved goodbye at my family on my way down the mountain
When I got to town I was able to sell all of the charcoal
It was already night so I started my way up the mountain and Mr. Saburo asked me to stay the night since there where demons out, I kindly declined his offer and went on my way back up the mountain

As I was walking up I got a sudden a sent of blood and started running
When I got up the mountain I saw a man holding Nezuko by her neck and yelled, "LET HER GO!" tears ran down my checks
But suddenly everything went black

Hey I'm sorry I don't update this, I'm trying to come up with more ideas for this, so please let me know if you have any recommendations, and yes I did just leave a clifjhanger)

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