Day 1

12 1 0

-9 A.M-

"Hey! get up lazy ass!" Solomon yelled.

"Huh? What do you want man?" Abigail asked in a groggy tone 

"The rest of the dumbasses is waiting at the store, and it's your day to buy the energy drinks!" Solomon said.

"Oh yeah right, now get out" Abigail said.

"Yeah yeah" Solomon said as he walked out of Abigail's room.

Abigail got out of bed and got ready. After about fifteen minutes Abigail walked out of her room and met Solomon outside the apartment complex. They went to meet the rest of the group waiting outside of the nearby convenience store.

"Hey, took you long enough" Ace said.

"you're not going to die shithead" Abigail said.

Abigail walks into the store grabbing a bunch of energy drinks and after a few minutes she walks out and hands everyone their drinks.

"Alright, where are we going?" Paige asked.

"Hmm, could we get some pizza?" Ace asked.

"We should explore the woods a few miles from here, see if we can find some spooky shit," Grayson added.

"I'm down" Solomon said.

"Alright, any objections?" Abigail asked.

nobody chimes in.

"Alright, it's settled" Abigail said.

"Should we bring some like tents and shit?" Ace asked.

"I thought we were just going to explore?" Abigail asked?

"I mean we could go out for a few days; not like we have anything better to do" Solomon said.

"Sure, Grayson do you still have that big fucking tent?" Ace asked

"Yeah, I think so, I got to dig through my apartment though" Grayson said.

Grayson walked off, the rest agreed to get stuff ready for the next few days and assigning who should bring what. Abigail went back to her apartment and collected a few knives, a fire starter, blankets, pillows, medicine and a first aid pack. Grayson got his old 6-person tent, some tarps, a solar powered battery that was connected to his backpack, some flashlights, and an outlet with some phone cords. Ace got a bunch of dehydrated food that would last a couple of weeks if it were to come to it, a few water filters, a pot, cloths, and a bunch of water bottles just in case. Solomon was going to carry the water and grabbed his hand axe along with an empty plastic jug. Paige was going to help carry whatever was too heavy and only brought soap, wooden bowls and spoons, a washboard and sleeping bags

-11:45 A.M-

After everyone grabbed their things, they met Infront of the store, before heading off Solomon bought a set of cheap walkie talkies that had a large distance, a notepad with some pencils and pens and long-lasting rechargeable batteries.

"Alright everyone got everything?" Abigail asked

"Yup, here take the water Solly" Ace said handing Solomon the water and pot.

"Fine, I also bought some walkie talkies and recharging batteries" Solomon says as he hands them out"

"I got everything too, can you carry the tent, Paige. Oh, and everyone take a flashlight" Grayson says handing Paige the tent and tarps then everyone else flashlights.

"Alright fuckers lets go" Solomon said.

-12 P.M-

The group headed off towards the wood sticking to the side of the long gravel road, few cars came this way. On the way Ace pulled out a small harmonica his dad had given him as a young child. Abigail chimed in by singing, Grayson by tapping his chest, Solomon by giving beats with his mouth and Paige stomping her feet while walking. After about twenty minutes of walking and having fun, they heard an odd noise which brought the group to a stop, ending their groove.

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