The Training

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After a few months, Ash had fully recovered and was currently training with his best pokemon, Lucario. It was a friendly spar but neither of them held back. After training, Lucario and Ash were both sweatings, but Ash had come out victorious in the end

Ash said, 'Aww, Lucario, your skills have gotten rusty, let's train more to get you back into shape. Are you okay with that?'

Lucario nodded his head repeatedly, as he wanted to become stronger so he could protect his pokemon girlfriend, a shiny Gardevoir called Luna.

'Alright, Breeze (Greek name in aura, Lucario's name), let's start. Remember that I taught you about different auras? I want you to try to control all of them, including the violent aura. If you use it, you will gain a power boost but, it would result in you going on a rampage'.

Breeze nodded as he knew the violent aura was extremely destructive. Over the course of history, no one had been able to wield the power of Violent Aura except Ash and Shadow.

There is an aura that even surpasses the Violent Aura. It is the Dragon Aura, it contains all aura types and has the power of the dragons.

Breeze knew that to access Dragon Aura, you had to master all types and get approval from all dragons, but only Ash had managed it, not even Shadow could do it. The last time Ash used it, he created a planet full of oxygen and life.

'Breeze, I picked your name for a few reasons. First, your aura is special in ice, and Breeze means aura in Greek and Latin. Second, your ice control is beyond my brother's, just one level below me. Finally, your ice powers allow you to use ice aura moves and all pokemon ice moves.'

Breeze was shocked by his own power level, he knew he was powerful but not at a godly level. He focused on his ice aura and created a blizzard, Ash's eyes went wide, he never expected his buddy to create a blizzard on his first try, even though he himself had created a snowstorm at his first time. Most ice aura wielders would just freeze something, not create a blizzard. He nodded his head, noting to himself Breeze had a lot of potentials.

People often think that the source of power came from Pokemon, but Ash had come to a different conclusion. Pokemon had types of auras that allowed them to use their own specific moves, so If a pokemon could manipulate aura, it could, in theory, use all pokemon move types. He tried that out with Breeze and it worked. Breeze could now use every move, similar to the creator, Arceus. Ash also trained him to become the most powerful pokemon alive, no pokemon could rival him, except Ash's other aces.

Breeze controlled the blizzard until cold overpowered him, he couldn't regain control.

Ash quickly raised his hand to stop the madness, his jaw dropped with surprise.

'Bro! You just created an ice tornado! That's amazing!'

Breeze blushed at his compliment, he didn't expect his trainer to be surprised when he let the power take over him.

Ash however added, 'But you still need to work on how to control it, for example, you just lost control of your power and let it surge through it.'

Breeze was confused, he asked, 'isn't that a good thing?'

Ash shook his head, 'In a way, yes, but with that power on the loose, you could destroy everything, and you would collapse after.Only do that when you have no choice.'

Breeze nodded his head, he deeply knew his power could destroy a lot of things but wasn't aware it was as powerful as a tornado. He tried to feel his ice power until Ash interrupted his ice control.

He said, 'You need some ice training, go and find Kyurem in the hall and ask him to train you. It should work.

Breeze understood even though he didn't like Kyruem much, he understood advice and training from the most powerful ice-type legendary pokemon was more convenient than Ash training him, as Ash got advice from Arceus, but he couldn't ask Arceus because she was still in a coma, and the original Arceus had faded from the world.

He rushed to the hall. What he didn't expect was that all ice-type legendary pokemon had formed a group discussion.

He shouted out to them, 'Hey guys, Ash told me to ask Kyurem about ice-type moves, but since all of you are here, how about you guys help me, please?'

'With pleasure,' they answered.

Articuno asked, 'Why do you need ice-type advice?'

'Well, apparently my aura is everything but my strongest aura is ice. With ice aura, I could literally use every ice move, maybe except legendary ice signature moves. Ash found out that every pokemon has an aura, just some auras are stronger. They change into all types of pokemon, I can actually use every type of pokemon move because Ash has trained me really well.' said Breeze.

The legendary's jaws dropped 'Whoa, you got some smart trainer here, Breeze,' said Articuno

Beeze was confused, 'Why did you say that?'

Kyurem chuckled, 'Well, Lady Arceus apparently created an Alpha pokemon. An alpha pokemon is just like you, they have larger bodies and are able to use all pokemon move types, even legendary moves, and your trainer found out about that.'

Breeze boasted, 'Of course, he is the best trainer in the world! I am so glad to have him as my trainer.'

Kyurem narrowed his eyes, he said, 'Why, why, should join him on his adventure?'

Breeze smirked as he looked through Kyurem's mask of lies, 'Pfft shut it, you all want to join him, you just don't have the courage and the excuse to do so.'

Upon hearing this, every legendary pokemon started to sweat as their secret had been found out by their dream trainer's pokemon.

Kyurem spluttered, 'Can you please not tell him?'

'Of course, but you need to train me to master my ice power.'

The ice legendary's nodded their heads, 'We promise, the training starts now.'

Kyurem shot an ice beam at Breeze, then used Freeze-Dry to trap him in an ice prison.

'First lesson, always be aware of your surroundings. Second, use ice to trap your enemy first, this is the best ice combo move. Even Arceus nearly got KOed by this tactic.

Breeze smirked deviously, 'Well, looks like I could beat him easily. '

He suddenly broke through the ice, and teleported in front of Kyurem, he said, 'Well, you attacked me first so this is a challenge.

He punched him with his flame aura.

Kyurem staggered, 'How?'

'Simple, I am stronger than Arceus.' replied Breeze, following up with another attack of his own creation, All Elements.

All Elements is a combination of all auras and is fused to use in close combat making it quite deadly.

Kyurem smirked, 'Then let us begin our icy training. Articuno, Clayrex, Regice, aid me. Glastrier, you and Clayrex combine, use everything you've got on Lucario, our ice type apprentice.'

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