Chapter 10:"Well, that was unexpected."

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SORA'S P.O.V. || 1st person

I heard someone comming near the door. I expected that it was Jaxx. I went over to the door as I heard a knock.


"Hey Sora."

"Oh, Alex. I thought you were Jaxx." I said surprised.

"Is something wrong? You haven't been yourself today." Alex said as she went over to Jaxx's bed, signalling me to come beside her. I closed the door and went over to Alex.

"It's because.. Me and Jaxx..." I started as I got interrupted.

"I know." Alex said.

"There is nothing to be embarresed of." Alex comforted.

"I know, and I'm not embarresed. I'm just nervous."

"N-not in that way." I quickly said.

"I know you won't make fun of us." I added.

"It just that, I wasen't ready to tell. We just started dating." I said.

"I know what you mean." Alex said as she hugged me."

"Thank you Alex."

I hugged back and we both went out to the others.

Alex ran over to Levi as she saw he was alone. I went to the kitchen, looking for Jaxx. He wasen't there. So I just went back to the others, as I saw Jaxx comming out of the bathroom, on his way to his room. I quickly went over to Jaxx as he entered his door, closing it after. Before he fully closed it, I went in the door.

"Jaxx!" I said.

"Oh, Sora, there you are." Jaxx replied.

"Are you okay?" Jaxx added.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me." I said as I went over to Jaxx bed, laying down as I signaled him to cuddle with me.

Jaxx came over, layed down, as I crawled up top of him. Jaxx started stroking my hair.

"You know, I really love you Sora." Jaxx smiled.

I scooted my head up to get eye contact.

"I know, and I love you too." I softly smiled back.

(Fluffy make out starts here)

Me and Jaxx catched eyes, as we starred at each other, like we did at the picnic. His eyes was as beautiful as ever. I made a soft smile.

"You're so cute, Sora." Jaxx complimented.

"I know." I giggled.

I quickly gave Jaxx a small kiss. Then Jaxx gave me a small kiss back, and I did aswell. We continued this for a few more seconds.

At the end, me and Jaxx had a soft kiss. It felt like it was just us two, together, alone. Like we were in the clouds, like there wasen't any problems. We letted go of the kiss with a soft smile

(Ends here)

I sighed happily.

Jaxx turned around, with me up top of him. Jaxx held me extra tight. It was pretty fuzzy and warm here. I started hugging Jaxx, instead of crawling myself into a ball.

"I love you, Jaxx." I said.

"I love you too, Sora." Jaxx replied as we both felt asleep.

Time Skip || A Few House Later

ALEX'S P.O.V. || 1st person

"WAKY WAKY!" I said, as I tried to wake Sora and Jaxx up.

"Oh." Sora said, not surprised.

"What, not happy to see me."

"Goodnight." Sora replied, as he went back to sleep.

"It's 1 PM." I mumbled as I was about to leave.

"What?" He asked.

"I said, it's 1 PM."

"ONLY?" Sora yelled surprised as someone cam running up to Jaxx's room.

"Is everything okay? I heard yelling." Someone said.


It was Charlie.

"Why.. why are you.. and Jaxx. And Alex?!" Charlie stuttered.

"Never mind." She nervously said and left.

"GUYS!" I heard Charlie scream outside the door.

"WAIT, CHARLIE!!" I ran after Charlie.

I couldn't see Charlie anywhere. As I went down stairs, I heard talking and steps. I went in the living room as I heard quick foot steps going up on the stairs.

"WAIT, GUYS!" I yelled, but.. it was to late.

I went up the stairs as I saw the whole Squad by Jaxx's room.

"Well, that was unexpected." They all said in sinc.

'Oh no..' I thought to myself.

SORA'S P.O.V. || 1st person

"G-guys?" I said, looking slowey behind me, as I was also trying to wake up Jaxx.

"Huh? What?" Jaxx said confused.

They all walked backwards, like nothing just happened.

"HEYY! YOU CAN'T JUST.. EUGH!" I sighed.

"AHH, THIS IS SO EMBARRESING JAXX!" I yelled out loud.

"WHAT DID YOU EXPECT SORA?!!" Jaxx yelled back.


Me and Jaxx was fake sobbing and screaming out of embarresment.

"Should we help those guys?" Alex asked the other squad members.

"Nahh, let's let them be." Charli giggled.

Then they all laughed at Sora's and Jaxx's yelling and screams of emberresment.


Okayyyy.. I've been busy.. again.. LISTEN OKAY! ;/ A few days ago, I've been to the hospital, from 7 AM to 4 PM. I've also started a new story. About smt that prop will happen irl. It's abt me and my best friend going to the US. It's called; Our Future - To The US

I'm also grounded rn, so I don't have my phone, and sneaking my computer. So I can't make a cover for the book ;/ But idk if I should start posting the chapters without the cover or sum, yk.

But sorry for being unactive :(

And sorry for the short chapter.

I don't have any ideas anymore. I don't know either if this should be the end of the story. Or I could prop make a book two, if you guys want it.

I love you all!!

Bye bye beautiful people ❤️

"Well, that was unexpected." (Soraxx)Where stories live. Discover now