🥀Chapter Forty Three🥀

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2 days later

It was after nine in the morning and I still haven't gotten out of bed. I just felt like I should rest up today and I didn't know why. After the night I broke down and Mordechai actually calmed me down, he didn't ask anything more about my past. He gave me his couch to sleep on with enough blankets to survive a winter storm.

The following morning he took me home and I told Devin everything that happened. After telling him he was suprised that Mordechai actually hugged me and dried my tears. I was even suprised myself that night because he seemed like a different person from my arrogant, self-centered boss. I guess everyone does have more than one side to their personalities.

He gave me that day and today off and I will be returning to work tomorrow and I don't really know how to feel about it. I was going to face him again and I didn't know if he told anyone about what I told him. I don't really think he will it's just, I don't want anyone else to know from those that already did.

I was also wondering if he was going to get back to his old arrogant self and pretend nothing ever happened or just be how he was two days ago. Am not sure I was ready for either of those sides to him. Here I was just laying in bed thinking away at the future which I had no control over.

I sat up and reached for my phone on the table. I went to my messages and a smile sprung to my face when I saw one from Mordechai. I opened it and just stared at the message for a good few seconds before replying.

'How are you feeling today?'

'I'm fine', I replied back before holding the phone to my chest and turning onto my side. Was there a possibility that he actually liked me? Will there even be a chance for us if he did? His dad certainly wants him to get married to some high status woman and not some assistant.

I was thinking way too much. I threw the covers off my body and got up. The bed was calling me back but I ignored it and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had eyebags and my hair was a complete mess. I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom. I didn't even glance at the bed as I left the room.

Devin wasn't here so it was just me and my uncontrolled thoughts. I went to the kitchen and a paper on the fridge door caught my eye. I slowly took it off feeling a bit uneasy because why would Devin leave a note when he told me he was leaving? I opened it and my breath immediately hitched.

'Nice place Vanessa, don't worry - you'll be in mine soon which is much nicer - As soon as I eliminate those around you especially - that guy who took you away from me. See you soon love'

I crumbled the note and looked around. I didn't think Zed was here because he would've definately came to my room. I felt frustrated to the max because I knew that even after escaping he will still find me. No matter where I go. Even if I go to Paris he will hunt me down. I can't go back to work as a stripper. I've built a new life for myself.

I groaned before going back to my room locking the door in the process. I didn't know what was better: staying home or going out. I slid down to the floor and closed my eyes. This was too much to take in. Not only is Zed after me, but Mordechai knows about my past. That shouldn't mean alot but it does because he can literally do anything with that information, not that he would. But you can't be too sure of whom to trust.

My phone started ringing and I got up to answer it. It was him. I answered and placed the phone at my ear.


"Are you gonna let me in? I've been knocking for a while. You know I don't have much patience".

I furrowed my eyebrows as I end the call and made my way downstairs. I opened the door and sure enough Mordechai was standing there dressed in a Grey suit. As usual his hair was neat and I noticed he had a small bag with him.

"Could I come in when you're done admiring?".

I ignored his cocky statement and stepped aside so he could come in. I closed the door and followed after him. He went to the kitchen and placed the bag on the counter before staring at me. I stayed to the opposite side and crossed my arms as I returned the gaze.

He was trying to read me and I knew it. I wonder how he actually looked at me now that he knew I was a stripper? Did he find me les tolerable and more dirty? Will he behave more arrogant when I do get back to work? Those were all unanswered questions.

"Vanessa, I...", he was about to say something but he held back.

"If you want to say something, just say it. There's no point beating around the bush", I say as I looked at him deeply.

"I knew there was something mysterious about you since the first day I saw you but...I didn't know your past was this...enthralling", he said as I stared at him in confusion.

What about my past was so interesting?

He took a seat around the table and went in the bag. He took out two lunches and pushed one to my side. My stomach growled at the sight of the food. I took the seat opposite to him and I knew things would never be the same again. The way he was staring at me and how my past takes an interest in him.

"Why is my past such an interest to you?", I asked as before taking some of the food in my mouth. Damn, it was good.

"Because Vanessa, I knew there was something about you ; something different and I was right. And it was more than I expected".

"So what now? You're gonna tell all the members of your company?", I say but regretted instantly. The way his eyes went stern the moment those words left my mouth. But I'm curious to what his intentions are.

"Vanessa, you may think am some cruel and selfish person, but am not. I'm stern and bossy when I have to be and I don't like to be challenged. Your past is your business and I don't myself as a gossiper. I have no intentions of blackmailing or insulting you, so take that from your mind".

I kept quiet after that and finished up my food. I wasn't so sure about believing him but I guess I could take his word for it. Besides, what would really happen if too many persons knew about my past? I mean it's my business ; I know I would be judged but those who can't relate will always judge.

"I want you at work seven-thirty sharp, I have some files I want you to finish up for me", he said as I nod slowly not saying anything.

"I should get back to work, I have a meeting with my father and like me, he doesn't like to wait", he said before getting up and throwing on his jacket.

"Thanks for the lunch" I say as I gazed up at him.

"Your welcome and be in time tomorrow,  am sure you don't want to be punished".

He left the kitchen and I got up when I heard him leave the house. I locked the door and thought about what he said. It would ne best if no one knew about my past, it could perhaps spoil his image. Just imagining in the newspaper headlines a story titled,

'Billionaire has an ex stripper as his personal assistant'.

That would be a reputation ruined forever and his father would probably have his bodyguard shoot me on the spot. For now, all I can do his keep his words and hope for the best.


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