🥀Chapter Forty Four🥀

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I stood with my hands in my pocket as the elevator takes me to the top floor where my father was. I felt I already knew what he was going to say. It was always the same thing about marriage. I'm still young and I have alot more to do before settling down with someone. Besides I wasn't even dating anyone and since me and Tiffany haven't been sleeping again, I wasn't having sex either.

But that was the least of my worries ; I just want my dad off my case.

The elevator came to a stop and I walked out and made my way to the office. As expected he was sitting around the desk with a finger tapping away at his lips. I took the seat next to him and waited for him to begin his speech. I was not looking forward to this.

My mind drifted to Vanessa who I went to see today. After what she told me, I wasn't completely suprised. I already knew there was more to her than what meets the eye but I never knew it would be so complicated. Looking back I had no idea what made me actually went to her rescure. She sounded desperate over the phone and well, I'm not a selfish person.

I know that things would be different from now on because if someone, anyone were to find out that I had an ex stripper as an assistant, it won't be pretty. And I knew that my father especially won't take the commotion too well. News travel fast and next thing you know the story comes up on TV or in the newspapers.

There's just hope that it doesn't come to that.

"Son, I have some news", he said as he placed his elbows on the table and class his hand together. I remained quiet as I listened on.

"I went to the doctor and I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's".

I stared at him as the news register itself in my brain. I knew what Alzheimers was and I already knew where this conversation was leading to.

"I want to see my grand kids before I forget everything Son; I want to watch them grow. I don't have much time left, maybe a few years then all is gone. Why can't you understand that. Most people you see don't married for love, they marry to fulfill their needs and maybe love will come along after. But please Son understand me".

I ran a hand across my face. This conversation was even more worst than the news itself. He wanted me to get married immediately to someone who hasn't come along yet and just have kids with her?!. I don't have my mind set on finding 'love' but atleast if am to marry someone alot of feelings has to be there. He just doesn't understand that.

"Dad, stop. I can't marry someone who I don't know. I am not not dating anyone. How am I suppose to get married?", I stated as he stood up and glared at me.

"I didn't marry your mom for love, I married her to provide an heir to continue the business that I spent all my years investing in. You don't know how huge this responsibility".

I stayed quiet because I was just tired of hearing him talk. I shouldn't have to be forced to do something only because he wants it to be done. Sometimes a part of me wished that my brother was the older more mature one, that way he would've been the one who took over this business and not me. This is all too stressful.

"I have to meet your mom in the next half an hour. Just please son, if you're not gonna do this for yourself, atleast do it for me. This is the future of Lenetti's Corporation".

I watched as he walked out leaving me there in complete silence. He was forcing me to do this just because of the company. I knew the reason he was so deep in on it was because of his Alzheimers. It's been a long time since I felt so stressed so I decided to do the first thing that came to mind.

To go for a drink.


"It's been a while since I've seen you at this place Chai, what's up now?".

I took a seat on the stool and took the drink from Vix's hand. It's been about a year since I came here and the place has changed up alot. There was now a VIP section which is behind a guarded door. Maybe I'll see what's behind by the end of the night.

"Yeah I know, alot of things have been happening and I needed a drink", I say as I took a huge sip of the Sky Vodka Double, it was one of the house specialities and actually my favorite drink.

"What you need is a release, it's the best stress reliever", he said with a smirk before walking off to serve a group of persons. I never actually thought of that. Speaking of which it's been a while since I got a release. It was like my mind wasn't focusing on sex because it has been occupied by so many other things.

I stood up and went towards the door that led to the VIP area. The guard looked at me and just like that he opened the door. I was well known. I stepped in and was greeted with a sweet luxurious smell of one of Lenetti's best products. It was a perfume created by extracting the melanin from flowers and then mixing it with the right formulas to create that perfect smell.

The place wasn't packed but those that were inside were mostly middle aged men. Not suprised. I took an empty seat and before I knew it I already caught the eye of one of the dancers. When I do go to other clubs I always enjoy how the women dance. They move slowly and sexy ; they knew what they were doing and they knew how to make money.

The one that was infront of me had dark skin and it was quite mesmerizing. She danced and twirled her way all around the pole on those extra high heels. It fascinates me how much they move without falling. It's a profession I guess. I started to get more invested in how she was moving that Vanessa came to mind.

She winked at me before grinding on the pole going lower with every move. I had a clear view between her beautiful thighs. She used a hand to trail down her body before smirking and standing up. She made her way off the stage and came over to me. Her lips went to my ear and I felt the sensation of her tongue playing with it. Her hands caressed my chest as she went to my neck and nibbled slightly on it.

Now her body was right infront of me. Her wonderful skin, her curvaceous outline, her revealing outfit. She climbed on to my lap before grinding which had me gripping her waist to keep her steady. Her seductive eyes gazed into mine as she rode me. But she didn't have dark streaked hair, nor did she have beautiful brown eyes. She was different from the person I had in mind.

She wasn't Vanessa.

And she'll never be.

I snapped back to reality when I felt her hands going in my pocket. I took her off me and gave her a few dollars which she gladly accept before leaving the room. I didn't even say anything to Vix as I left the club and made my way to my car.

I was hard.

I needed a release but Tifanny was the last person I wanted to see right now. I laid back in the car as I thought about what happened. A random stripper was dancing on me and somehow I imagined it was Vanessa. How could that be? Did I have feelings for her?

My dick jumped at the thought. I ran a hand across my face. Ofcourse I didn't have feelings for her. It was just not possible. She wasn't even attractive. She was a stripper. She's on the run from this dangerous gang and -

- and she was hot. I couldn't lie to myself. She had a petite body and her eyes without knowing it are quite seductive. This wasn't right...I couldn't possible have feelings for her. Or maybe I'm overthinking this and it was just lust. After all am a man.

I didn't know but whatever thoughts I had of her has to be eliminated. It was for the  best.


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