🥀Chapter Forty Five🥀

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As I thought, my desk was loaded with documents. I wasn't even going to complain because what's the point? I still had to get them done. I was finally back at work and everything felt normal. I haven't even spotted Mordechai as if he wasn't around.

I sat around my desk and released a deep sigh. This was alot but it could take my mind off things. I was kind of stressed over my situation and I spent almost the rest of yesterday thinking about it. After Mordechai left I decided to watch a movie but my mind wasn't registering it. It was just somewhere else.

In the next two months my contract would be up and I could leave New York freely. But was it what I wanted? It was all my mind was set on the day I took this job. But seeing how things are, I have no idea where in the world I could go and Zed doesn't find me. He already knew where I lived and I didn't want those around me to get hurt. It was only a matter of time before he takes me back.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize someone had entered the room and was staring at me. I could feel their eyes burning in the side of my face. It was Mordechai and it was the first time I've ever seen him like this. He looked stressed. He was still neat as usual but the stress in his eyes couldn't hide.

"Are you ok?", I asked as I met his eyes. At one point I could care less if he was dying or not but now I was concerned. It's funny how rich people always has the most problems. They had the money, the fame and the luxury, but all that fame comes with pressure. Especially when you have certain expectations to live up to.

"What makes you think am not ok Miss Collins?", he asked as raised an eyebrow at me.

I half smiled.

"Back to formal names are we? Never mind. By the way is there something you need ; I want to get these documents sorted?", I say as I pushed my chair closer to the computer.

He looked at me as if trying to read me but I wasn't an open book. He turned around and I thought he was about to leave but instead he locked the door. My body started to feel funny as I stayed still in my seat.

"You're pushing me Vanessa"

With each step he came closer and closer. I didn't understand what I was pushing him with. I didn't move an inch when he placed his hands on either side of the chair and leaned in. He went directly past my face and went to my neck. I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I wanted to pinch myself to see if this was actually happening or was I dreaming?

His hand travelled up to my neck and he gripped it slightly as I felt his lips on my ear.

"I don't know why I am attracted to you"

That statement was ringing in my ears. Before I could interpret it some more I was pulled from the chair and bent across the desk. Next thing was his lips on mine. This was surreal. My hands went around his neck as his went around my waist holding me in place. I should stop this because in the end it will either be two things : it was a mistake or this never happened.

Was he on something?

I just couldn't believe that Mordechai was actually gripping me and kissing me. Even if he will never like me back and in the end things would go south, atleast I felt what his body and lips were like. So I pushed all negative thoughts away and kissed him deeper.

His hand went under my skirt and I let him. I lost control over my own body. My hand was lost in his hair as the other touched every inch of his body that I could reach. He was hard and the way we were moving against each other created a perfect synchronization. I was so lost in this bliss that I didn't even noticed how the documents fell off the desk and I was completely on it and he was over me.

His hands touched every inch of my body. By this time my lips were all swollen and red but I didn't care. I was experiencing something I've never felt so deeply before. And I didn't want it to end. I was turned on to the max.

His lips left mine and now we were staring into each others eyes. What were lustful eyes turned dark and he pulled away from me. I sat up and pulled down my skirt as I stared at him. As expected, here comes the regret.


He ran a hand through his hair as I kept quiet. I knew this wasn't what he wanted. I knew he despised me. I knew he would never fall for me. I knew this was all lust and no feelings were present.

"This cannot happen"

I was somewhat angry. Both at him and at myself. I kept quiet as I got off the desk and took up the fallen documents. I sat in the chair and turned on the computer. I was just going to let him say what he want and leave but something got the best of me and I stood up.

"What cannot happen Mordechai?", I say as I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"This! Am not into you Vanessa...am not", he said getting quieter as he reached the end of his statement.

"Then keep your hands to yourself then. If am such a low class person and as you state you're not attracted to me, keep your hands and lips to yourself. I don't need a guy making a move on me, touching me and then acting like I'm nothing. From now on, leave my body be. That shouldn't be a problem since am so unattractive".

I sat down and waited for him to reply but he didn't. Instead he walked out and slammed the door. I exhaled as I sat back in my seat. I didn't know where the hell my mind was at anymore. He was just so unfair and I'm the one who's actually feeling hurt in this situation. I'm the one who end up feeling like nothing.

I stood up and left the office. I needed something refreshing to calm me down. The elevator came to stop and I exit. I passed Tiffany on my way out and she was looking at as if she wanted to stab me to death. I didn't know why and I didn't care. She was the least of my worries right now.

I went to the small Cafe that was close by and I ordered an Iced Strawberry Refresher. I sat down and tried to relax my mind. What happened in the office was still surrounding my thoughts. The way he touched me and kissed me. It was amazing. And then as I expected him to change and act up. I was more than some object and I made that clear to him.

It shouldn't be a problem for him to avoid me from now on. My body was off limits and I'm never allowing myself to be touched like that agsin by him. In the end, it will all be a regret to him and I wasn't up for that. I was worth more than to be used for whatver reason then thrown aside.

I finished up my drink and left the Cafe. I just wanted to get all these files done so I could go home early. I didn't want to see him for the rest of the day. He was so unfair and I wasn't up for it. As soon I reached the building I went inside and went straight to the elevator.


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