Chapter 1

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"What the hell!?" I jerk forward and hit the ground with a thud. I let out a groan of pain. Just my luck! I end up falling up the steps to class. I put my hands under me and push myself up. I slowly get up and walk the rest of the way up the steps. I slowly walk my way to my class. Opening the door to the teacher taking and people taking notes. "Mr, Eric Johns! You are ten minutes late. Where have you been?" Mrs, Bummer asked me. "I'm sorry Mrs. Bummer. I was late to school and then I fell on the steps." I say as I walk to my desk. "Mhm well, you are lucky Mr, Johns. I am in a good mood today. Sit down and get to take notes!" She says with a turn back to the board. I roll my eyes at her. I hated her class with a burning passion. I didn't like English in the first place but now I have a teacher named Mrs. Bummer. With a name like that you can already tell her class stunk. She always makes us take these dumb notes that nobody uses. The test we have has zero notes on it. I swear she wants us all to fail her class.
I sat in the back of the class so that meant she didn't care what happened back there. That's good for me because I get to sleep. I take out my notebook and open it up to a random page of notes. I take my pen out and lay my head down. I smile and close my eyes, slipping into a deep nice sleep.
I snap my eyes open to nothing but black wind surrounding me. "What the hell.." I whisper out with my eyes wide. The wind spun and yelled out at me. It was loud and ear stabbing. I cover my ears and fall to my knees. "SHUT UP!" I yell out at the wind wanting it to stop. But it got louder and louder. I could feel warm blood sweep down my head from my ears.
"Eric Johns!" I jerk up and look up. It's Mrs. Bummer standing there with her eyes wide. "What?" I ask her with my hands shaking. "Your nose is bleeding dear. Bad, go to the bathroom I'm gonna call the nurse." She handed me a small towel she keeps for projects. "Oh, um ok." I get up and cover my nose with the towel. I could feel my face redden with everyone looking at me. But I want to know how the hell my nose started to bleed this bad. Could it be my nightmare? But how can a bad dream make a nose bleed, especially if it's bad?
"What in the world.." I say as I look into the mirror, staring at my nose. It was running like a river down my face. "Eric, are you in there?" I hear a female voice say from outside the bathroom. "Yeah, you can come in, there is no one is in here," I yell out to her. I hear her footsteps come into the bathroom. "Oh my goodness Eric what happened to you?" Mrs. Oliva asked me. "I have no idea! I fell asleep in class and woke up to this!." "Ok, calm down dear, let's get you to the office and see if we can get it to stop. If not, we will go from there." "Alright," I say with a sigh.
"Ouch!" My legs jerk up as she pressed on my nose. "I'm sorry." She whispered out as she moved her hand back. "It's not stopping or slowing down. I'm gonna call an ambulance." "Ambulance?! No, I'm fine, no need for that." "Eric, your nose is still running with blood. You're starting to turn white! I have to call one just hold your head back ok?" "Yeah.." I whisper out in a state of annoyance.

The sound of the sirens starts to make my head hurt. "Hey, Eric you ok?" I open my eyes to look at the male paramedic. "Yeah just fine, my head just hurts from the sounds and everything." "I understand, kid don't worry we're almost there." He says and smiles at me. I give him a weak smile back just trying to focus on relaxing my body. All of a sudden the car hit a bump and I saw black again.
I snap my eyes open and shoot up. I look around and see I'm back in my dream, from class. "Hello?!" I yell out to no one. I stand up and start to walk. It was hard due to the wind and the smell. The first time I didn't smell anything but now it smelt as if a body has been in the sun for weeks. I try to cover my face so I don't gag. But due to the wind, I had to hold my hands out in front of me so the hard wind didn't throw me back. I growl and turn my body away from the wind to maybe get some release. But when I turned the wind moved with me. Whatever way I moved it was right there ready to hit me in the face. "What is this hell?!" I yell out to no one again. All of a sudden I fall into the dirt getting a face full. My ankle started to hurt and felt as if someone was pulled in. I look down and see a dark shadow hand that seems to glitch with the wind. My eyes widen and I try to jerk my leg away. But the grip on my leg was deadly. I tried to scream but it was like I was in space. No sound could be heard anymore. The wind was silent and my screams went unheard. I felt as if I was sinking into the dirt. I yelled and tried to pull myself away. The dirt went into my nails and I could feel my fingers start to bleed. My head came to the dirt, my whole body now under the dirt. I feel my neck start to be pulled under. I start to sink in now all I see is darkness. I can feel my lungs becoming smaller due to not being able to get air. I start to see darkness once again.
A hard punch is shot through me. A gasp leaves my mouth as I shoot up. I'm in a hospital room now. There are many nurses and doctors around me. They're talking to me but I can't hear them. I lay back down with the help of a doctor beside me. What was scarier about everything was their eyes. Their eyes were gone, all that sat on their face where eyes should be is skin. I was in too much pain and shock to say or do anything. I look down at my chest, it is now exposed. There were red dark marks on my chest. They had zapped me back to life. At least that's what I think had happened. Did I just die? I close my eyes and hear a faint buzzing sound in my ears. With a sudden stop of it, all sound came back to me. "Eric, can you hear me?!" I heard a doctor say to me as he pulled my eyes open to shine a light into them. "I can," I say with a smooth and calm voice. It was nothing like how I was feeling. "OK, that's good. Now can you tell me how you feel?" "Pain all over me, confused and scared," I tell him again with a calm voice. "I know you are but don't worry you're gonna be just fine." I close my eyes again not wanting to see the bright room. As I do I feel my bed start to move. I'm being rolled somewhere.
I open my eyes to a more darkroom. The sun was out still but the lights were dimmed. I looked around the room to see I was in a normal hospital room. Made for people to stay in and recover. I believe the room I was in before was for an emergency. I guess that happens when you die. I slowly sit up to not hurt myself anymore than what has already happened. I lay back once I sit up and take a better look around. Again it was a normal room but the door to my room looked different than anything I have seen. As if the universe heard me, the door opened. The male doctor in a more protective suit comes in. It's not a hazmat suit but it's more than what a normal doctor wears. "Hello, Eric, how are you feeling?" He asked me with a smile. "I feel um..Off. I'm not sure I'm not in as much pain but I don't feel normal." I tell him in hopes he understands. He smiles again at me. "I understand what you mean. You were rushed here due to a nose bleed but turned out to be a blood vessel, the main one. Had been busted and would not stop until we fixed it." He said to me as he walked over to check my vitals. "Ok, but what is with get up?" I ask him with a small wave of my hand. "Get up? Oh! Well, we were worried you have caught Hepatitis. But it turned out not to be true but with the hospital standards you have to be one hundred percent clear for 48 hours before you can leave the hospital and another 24 before going back to school or work." I listened to the doctor and felt some fear when he started to talk about Hepatitis. But it soon went away when he said I didn't have it. At least I won't have to worry about school for a few days. "Well, are you hungry?" He asked me. "Oh, yeah I am if I'm telling the truth." "Good! I will get you a menu and we will get you what you like." He turned to leave the room. "Thank you, sir," I tell him as I lay back down wanting to relax some more. "No problem Eric." He leaves the room with the sound of my door being shut. I was loud and heavy. Kinda like a prison door. It made me shiver and some fear ran through me.
The smell of the burger I ordered was amazing. The door opened to a cart with a woman behind it. Again wearing one of the suits. It was an older lady, maybe around the mid-'40s. "Well hello dear, I got your food here. I'm glad you're feeling good enough to eat." She tells me as she pulls the table that was beside me over to put the food on. It was a table attached to the wall. It could move to my chest. She sat the food down with the water. "Well, I hope it tastes well! I'll be back up later to get your plate or you can call when you're done. Feel better dear." "Thank you, ma'am," I told her with a smile, she smiled at me back leaving my room. I sit up more so I can eat without choking. It looked so good. I normally hear that hospital food is horrible but this looks nothing like I thought at all!

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