Chapter 4

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"Damn it!" The water in my cup hit the ground making it go everywhere. "Why can't I stop it?!" I yell out at the ground. I've been trying to stop time on my own. But it only seems to happen when I don't want to. "There has to be a way to control it right?" I fell onto the couch letting out a long sigh. What is making this just stop and go? I mean am I making it happen and just don't know it? So many questions and no answers.
I sit up and decide it's time to go to bed. I've been working on trying to control this power I guess you could call it. I hop off the couch and walk to my room. It was dark and to be fair scary. It was about two in the morning. I didn't realize how tired I was till I saw my bed. I flop onto my bed and grab my pillow. "Now this is way better than that hospital bed."
"Hello, Eric!" "Who the-" I was grabbed by a woman. "Uh...Hi?" I say to her, really confused. "Nice to see you again." "Again and better yet where are we?" It was the hospital again. That dream I had where everything was horrible and white stuff was everywhere. "I wanted to see you again! The beast is coming, you know." "Beast?" "Aww, you're so cute! You have no idea what is happening do you?" "No, but I would love to!" I take a few steps away from her. She gives me the creeps. "I can't say though. I work for the beast after all." "Work for them?" "Well of course! He is all we need..." "What the hell!" Her face became distorted and her eyes dark. They looked as if her eyes went into the back of her head. "The beast always knows..." I jerk back and turn away from her. I started to run not caring where I was going but I needed to get away from her. "You can't hide from him,m Eric! He always knows!" She let out a horrible laugh. It was bone-chilling and it made me sick to my stomach.
There was this rotten smell as if there was a body. But I didn't see anybody anywhere. A gag left me and I grabbed my shirt to cover my nose and mouth. I felt like I was going to pass out. I took deep breaths and held it in as long as I could. I don't know how long I can do this? I'm gonna end up passing out. I heard a low creak sound that lasted a little too long for pleasure. All of a sudden the ground under me fell out. I let out a scream of terror. No, I don't want to die, please! I scream to myself. I felt tears start to come to my eyes. But before I hit the ground I stopped. I held my arms up to my face. Shielding it from anything that might hit me. I sat there for what felt like forever. I finally moved my hands away and looked down. I was maybe a foot or two off the ground. Everything stopped again and the lady that was after me had stopped as well. She's up where the hole where I fell through, staring down at me with such a horrid face. A shiver went through me again.
I look down at the floor wondering how I was going to get onto the ground before time starts again. I reach my arms out to see what I could reach. My body moved a bit but still, I tried to stay in place. In fear, if I moved too much I would fall the rest down. While that might not hurt as bad as what the big fall would have been. Still wouldn't feel great. I turn my whole body around and see there is a thick wire coming out of the wall. I could reach it if I jerked my body forwards. It might cause me to fall or it might just save me. If I don't do it now I might not have time. My chest felt tight and the air around me was hotter and almost strangling. Take a deep breath in then out and out and jerk my body out to the wire. I reached my hand out and grabbed it, pulling myself closer to it to get a better hold of it. As I did I felt my legs drop and my body swing. The wire makes a sound and jerks more out of the floor above. "NO!" I yell and grab onto it harder.
Everything stops but not due to the power or whatnot. It just becomes calm and almost peaceful. I can hear a bird singing and fly around. Warmth on my face from something. Then everything goes black and I shoot up. I'm in my bed where I was left last. It was beautiful outside and the birds were singing. "I see...This is getting sickening." I said and rubbed my forehead. I was getting tired of just everything. What has caused me to gain this power and hell at the same time? I reach my arm up and feel the wind go around me and stop. Time had stopped once again but this time I think it was me. My eyebrow raised and I lowered my hand and again the time went on. I tried again and it didn't work this time. Something in my head or around me was making me be able to control it. But what could that thing be? I've tried almost everything I can think of or find online.
It was hot out today nonetheless. I had put on some shorts and a tank top just warning me to chill out in the pool. Maybe I can have a normal day today. But with everything going on I don't see that happening. I haven't had a normal day in a while now and I don't think I will till I can control what's going on. One big thing I decided to do was make a list of things to do to get my mind off of what's been going on.

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