The Running

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The village of Redwitch was as beautiful as a swan. The buildings were built with high concentration and visitors do not believe that they are almost 20 years old. The cobbled pathway stretches around the whole town, leaving a clear way for people to get by at any pace. As well as these modern things, there is a very old bakery that had been the start of Redwitch. It is called 'Red Witch's Bakery'. The people of the bakery named the village after the old place. The bakery had scratched bricks as the walls and the door was made of splintered wood that had a few pieces of red spread around. It clearly hadn't been painted for a long time! A sign stood above the chipped window and it read in cursive, bold writing 'Red Witch's Bakery'. Even though it was old, it was still the most wonderful bakery. The window allowed all that walked past to see the delicious treats they held inside. It was a dream.

Aria was a beautiful young girl with luscious, chestnut hair that flows in the wind behind her. She had two different coloured eyes; one blue, the other emerald. Not only was she pretty, but she had a very unique personality.

While on her way to the bakery, Aria bumps into Lea, a worker at the village bookshop. Lea and Aria have been friends since they were 10, so they were very happy to see each other. "Hi Aria! Are you ok?" screamed Lea from a far away distance. Aria chuckled and paced over to her best friend. "Yes I'm good thanks Lea. Why are you not at work?" the girl questioned. "It's my day off!" Lea replied. The two girls giggled and started talking about the gossip that they have heard in the streets. After about 20 mins of chatting, Aria became very, very stressed. "THE BAKERY!" Aria exclaimed running away from Lea as fast as her skinny legs could take her. She ran as fast as she could so she could get the bread that her father wanted. Lea was flabbergasted at what had just happened so she went home to have a long rest.

Finally, Aria had arrived. She ran inside the building and stopped for a moment. She stood there and took a deep breath in, making her smell all of the delicious treats she was surrounded by. The countertops were covered in cakes and fresh bread that had just come out the oven. Aria was delighted and she felt relaxed for the first time in that day. The kind teenager walked out the bakery and saw something that she did not like. It was... Estella. She was the most beautiful girl in town and she was loved by everybody. She had two little 'minions' called Grace and Pippa (their real names are Susie and Annabelle but Estella didn't like them). Aria used to be friends with Estella but then the mean girl decided she was too good for Aria and that she was an embarrassment to her. The thought of that, made Aria want to throw up. "Oh my gosh! Hi Aria! How you doing? Still collecting bread from the bakery I see?" Estella laughed. Aria explained "Um.. yeah, my dad is working really hard on his newspapers because he works for Star News now." "Star News?! That's like a really big company. I bet he'll get fired in days though!!!" She laughed and looked at Grace and Pippa to tell them to start laughing too. Aria had had enough.

The 16-year-old girl sprinted as far away as she could into the forest. She couldn't believe she had let this happen to her for her whole life and she was only just doing something about it now! When no energy was left in her, and she was far away enough from the village, Aria sat down on the forest floor and cried. She cried enough tears to make a whole river. She thought to herself 'What am I going to do? If I go back, Estella will be there waiting to insult me and my family more but if I stay here, I may never see father again.' The decision was so hard but she had to do what was right. She stayed in the forest. Aria knew her father would come looking for her so she waited there until they could both run away together.

Three days had past and Aria only had the bread she collected from the bakery back in Redwitch. Worry was spread like butter across her face. Surely her dad would have gone to look and find her now, right? She needed to have a drink because he throat was so dry she could barely speak. Just as Aria stood up, she heard a noise from in the bushes. She rapidly hid and tried to find something to defend herself with. 'Who is that? I should of never stayed in the forest!' the girl thought. All of a sudden, the thing in the bush appeared. It wasn't a scary monster or a big goblin, it was an old woman who was collecting blackberries!

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