Chapter 31

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Alissa POV:

I'm sitting on the couch texting Madison when Dokinik comes downstairs muttering to himself in Spanish.

"I was gonna tell you that Madi is coming over but you seem to have your own problems." I tell him and he looks over at me just noticing I'm there.

"Sorry mi amor, I'm just in a rush." He says grabbing 2 different shoes, one of them being mine.

"I don't know where your off to in such a hurry but uh that shoe ain't gonna fit you." I tell him pointing to the shoe in his hand and he sets it down grabbing the matching shoe to the one he has on.

"So why are you in such a rush?" I ask him as I watch him frantically attempt to make a bagel but fail and instead drop it on the floor.

"I'm supposed to be at a meet and greet in like half an hour but I accidentally overslept." He tells me and I look at the fallen bagel just laying on the floor and go pick it up. He starts muttering in Spanish again and while I understand Spanish I do not understand panicked Dominik Spanish.

"I've got to go alright mi amor." He says and I nod as he kisses me.

"See you when you get back, if I'm not here then I'm out with Madison." I tell him as I toss him his keys and he heads out the door. Khali looks at me and I look at her.

"Well girl, that's definitely one way to wake up." I say patting her waiting for
Madison to show up.

Madison POV:

How do I tell them. How in hell do I tell my two best friends that I like one of them- I mean I've got to do it eventually. When I get to their place I realize that Dominiks car isn't there. Maybe it's in the shop? Nah Alissa would be sitting out here fixing it. Or maybe they ain't here, which would mean I don't have to tell them. I go to the door and knock and when no one answers instantly I sigh.

"Welp I guess there's no one here, I tried." I say out loud and at that moment the door opens and Alissa is standing in the doorway.

"Did you say something Madi?" She asks looking at me and I shake my head.

"Nah I didn't say anything Liss Liss." I tell her and she nods.

Alissa POV:

"Also uh Dom had to go to a meet and greet, so he ain't here." I tell Madison and she nods.

"Let's go blow some random shit up." She says smiling and I laugh. I sure missed hanging with Madison one on one.

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