🎉Birthday Girl🎉

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Leo's POV:

I started to wake up when I heard a knock on the laboratory door.

I went to the door and opened it. Donnie asked me if I could take her to the guest room and give her her medicine there. I said yes and went back to get it, but then I saw her looking around the room, I went to her and said, "We are moving to another room that is suitable for you".

I really wanted her to speak, but I forgot that she was still afraid. Then I took her by the bridle and left the lab and saw April and Casey coming towards me. I whispered to her, "Look, I am going to show you to my other friends. "Do not worry, there are only two people "

she nodded and I walked towards her and Casey could already feel my presence and turned around "Hey Leo" Casey said and tapped April on the shoulder and she turned around and said " Hey Leo who is this " " um this is my friend but she can not talk " I said quietly

" um leo " said april " yes? " i said in a trusting tone " look at her " she said worriedly i looked down and saw her trembling and i said i had to go because of her and took her to the guest room i put her down and went to donnie

I asked for some details and Donnie said, "All I have is the date of birth and the age." "Well, spit it out," I asked. "Well, she's 16 and her birthday is on the 24th of March," Donnie muttered, pulling out my calendar and seeing that the 24th is still 5 days away.

"How about we have a party for her," I suggested, "but do we know if she's had a party before?" said Donnie and a few horrible moments later we heard a terrible scream and we both ran out of the room and made our way to the guest room and kicked the door in and saw Raphael trying to calm her down but we saw her holding her head and looking in a terrible state, like she was in pain.

Donnie ran back to his lab and got some painkillers and gave me the cup of water. I asked Raph to help her up and she understood what we were doing and I politely asked her to open her mouth, put the pill in and gave Raph the water so she could drink it

3 days later

Me, Donnie, Mikey, Sensei and Raph prepare their party. Donnie takes care of the invitations, Mikey takes care of the food and Raph, Skye, me and Sensei take care of the decorations. april arrived with tonnes of presents. We asked her why and she said because she felt sorry for her.

Raph's POV:

On Skye's Birthday

I was playing video games and Skye was looking over my shoulder and she looked very sad. I asked her, "Do you want to play with me?" She mumbled, "Y-yes." I plugged in the extra controller and handed it to her and explained the buttons. I looked at her and asked, "Do you know what a birthday is?" and she said, "Y-yes, a little bit, I know it's celebrated but I do not know why."

I was shocked, looked back and realised that I had died and she was somehow still alive, that's when I realised she had picked the weakest persona.But she narrowly defeated the final boss and when she finally defeated the boss, she had the highest score as the most popular Youtuber

I looked at her in amazement and she looked at me and asked, "What's your name?" She smiled when she said that.

"Rapheal, or Raph for short," I replied. I stared at the high score for another 10 minutes until I heard Leo call my name and I knew what to do. I asked Skye to close her eyes and come with me and carried her in the bridle and Skye said, "Raphie, what are you doing?" "You are going to see something special," I replied.

Skye's POV:

Raphie carried me down the stairs (though I had my eyes closed).
He set me down and helped me into a room, but then there was silence. My legs became weak, then I fell, but I managed to hold on to the doorframe. I do not know what was going on, but I heard a voice saying, "Open your eyes", and the light came on and I heard everyone there saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"I looked in with surprise and saw balloons and a Happy Birthday banner.

hanging in front of me everyone looked at me and they rushed towards me and lifted me up Leo hugged me and took me to his brothers. As I unwrapped my presents, I heard a beeping sound and I looked to see where it was coming from. The purple Turle looked at me confused and recognised the noise and knew I could hear it, so he ran out of the room to see what it was.

Donnie's POV:

I ran out of the room, took out my T-Phone and saw that a strange dot was spreading over New York. I thought the Krang was at work again, but I had to wait until Skye was asleep or exhausted. I went back into the room and saw wrapping paper on the floor and saw Skye crying on Leo's shoulder. I ran to Leo and asked him what had happened. He explainedto me that Raph had brought Chompy and Chompy was a bit too excited and jumped on her so she fell and licked Skye until she had a burn on her face.

I asked Leo to bring them to my lab so I could cure the burn. He just refused and Leo told me to just bring ice or an ice pack. I went to get the ice pack until Mikey ran into the lair and was chased by Leatherhead. I had to stop them before things got out of hand, so I asked Nicey to ask Slash to stop Leatherhead from approaching the dojo and to ask Rockwell for help. I went to get the ice pack and came back to give it to Leo. When I came out I saw Rockwell, Leatherhead and Slash on the couch and told them what had happened.

When I came out I saw Rockwell, Leatherhead and Slash on the couch and told them what had happened. "How many?" asked Rockwell. "Six," I replied. He knew I needed help. "I am with Slash, Leatherhead and Donnie," Rockwell explained.

So me and the gang turned on the news channels and saw three dots on my T-Phone. We jumped down and saw a sixteen-year-old girl, a 24-year-old woman and a Russian 27-year-old man.the Russian man asked if this was the right place Jones had teleported her to the explosive woman said yes because it was the last place she had been sent to we jumped out of our hiding place and the 16 year old girl saw us and said "GUYS GUYS L- LOOK " the explosive woman looked behind her and took out her grenades and said "G-go back go back Shadow"

We were confused and put down our weapons and said "Hey hey, we are not the bad guys, we just want to help" "Um, if you did, I am not saying you do, have you seen this girl?" the 16 year old said in a sad tone and pulled up a picture of Skye

We were shocked that they knew about Skye and said "Yeah, we know her". I showed the picture of her face, when I tried to find out about her she was shocked and so were the other two and introduced themselves, the sixteen year old girl first "I am Rox and this is Tntina " pointing to the explosive girl and then to the Russian man "and this is Brutus what are your names?".

we introduced our names and took them into the cave and the motherly side of Leo became active and stared at me as if I had missed the time I was supposed to be back and asked where I was I looked behind me and saw only the people I had met earlier and I knew I was screwed.

To be continued

lets goooooooo


Shifting to another dimension Fortnite and TmnT AU A Skye X Rox StoryWhere stories live. Discover now