Chapter 1

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Welcome to another interracial relationship. This time we have Janet and Dylan they are so opposite but yet so similar. I hope you guys like this story. I know I will enjoy writing it.


"Janet!" I hear my father yell from the main lobby.

I quickly rise up and dust my skirt off. I put my heels back on and walk into the lobby.

My father's name is Danny Fortune and I just so happen to be Janet Fortune. If you dont know who eithter of us is then you have been sleeping under a rock.

My dad is the 3rd richest guy in this country. He owns several chains of restaurants and he does law and architectural work.

He makes a large amount of money. I on the other hand came from nothing. I was adopted. He took me in became my pops and now im considered Danny Fortune's black adopted daughter. Im not joking either. I got called that on several occasions.

Anyways let me start listening to him before he trips.

"Sweetheart I have a new girlfriend, I would love to take you and her out to dinner saturday night sounds lovely?" he asks.

On the inside I cringe. Oh lord. Daddy has found another girlfriend.

"Lets just hope she is not like the last one" I say.

His head sinks making me feel regret for my choice of words.

The truth tends to hurts.

"We will see daddy...Ive had your back my whole life...Im not giving up now" I say.

He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Thanks netta...ill let you get back to work" he says.

I nod as he goes to the elevator.

"He is still looking?" I hear my bestfriend,Jessie, say.

I turn to her desk and nod.

"You have no clue thats like the 4th women this month" I say.

She sighs and eyes me.

"What happened to the necklace Henry bought you?" she asks.

My face goes hot at that name.

" and Henry broke up" I state.

"WHAT?WHEN?WHY!?" She shouts.

All my employees look at her like she grew two more heads.

I shush her and grab her into my office.

"Look he cheated on me with Paris Frost.." I mumble.

"Netta im so sorry" she apologizes.

"Dont be....I didnt love him anyways." I say.

she rubs my back and sighs.

"I will give you time to think...dont forget your meeting at 5:30 at the Palm" she reminds me.

I roll my eyes and move to the mirror in my office.

Guess this is the part I describe myself to you. Dont expect anything too exciting.

Im 21 and my curvy frame was my best feature in my book. I also loved my natural curly hair that stopped mid-back. My eyes were a light brown color,but I wore contacts cause I was blind as a bat. My contacts are grey so I look exotic. My boobs and butt arent nicki minaj or Kim Kardashian....Im more of a K michelle when it comes to those departments.

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