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"Yeah, I got it. Uh-huh. Got it. Scott, I said I got it! See you later," Jordyn walked down the stairs and hung up, putting the phone into the pocket of her jacket. It was early in the morning, and she was already in a terrible mood. Getting a call from her boss was never a good omen, she knew right away. Especially when he calls her during school hours; not that he would care.

Originally, she had been scheduled to work the weekend. However, another of her colleagues, now ex-colleague, was fired. Due to the manager's rash decision, they were understaffed for the day which made him ask Jordyn to fill in spontaneously. 'Ask' was the wrong term. Forced to do a favor would be more fitting. Unfortunately, the girl couldn't decline for the same reason she was working there in the first place.

Her spirits were lifted once she spotted Adam, albeit with Chase, with whom she still had difficulties. Since Donald gave her the internship she had been visiting more often. Joe got along great with every member of the family except Chase. Even Leo, whose ego was a bit bruised initially, got over it soon enough.

When Joe approached the boys she realized, they were focused on something else. She followed their line of sight and saw Bree talking to Caitlin. 

Sadly, Jordyn knew Caitlin. A weird girl if you asked her. She worked with her for only a few days but tried to stay clear from her ever since. Too enthusiastic. Too fake, Joe thought.

"Hey, do I have to worry about you spying on girls? Or stalking your sister?"

The addressed spun around rapidly. They relaxed after setting eyes on Joe. Adam laughed and pointed to his sister, "Look at this. We're pranking her. She won't see it coming." As he lifted his arm, a series of items attached to it gained Joe's attention.

"You pranking her or yourself? What'd you do, super-glue your hand?" She lifted an eyebrow expectantly.

Chase sighed and pushed Adam's arm down and behind his back, fearing Bree to see it. "He's not the most cautious when it comes to this."

"No shit, plaid-shirt," Joe joked sarcastically. Chase gave her an annoyed look and straightened his shirt. On the other hand, Adam laughed and attempted to fist-bump his best friend but mixed up his hands, making it difficult for Joe to accept.

"Focus and watch, she's reaching for her locker," Chase redirected again.

Adam and Joe quickly took out their phones. The latter had no idea what was about to happen but if it involved a prank by those two, it had to be good.

They observed as Bree grabbed for her locker but was unable to open it. She couldn't draw her hand back, either. Her struggle made for a perfect photo and the group moved toward the girls, all laughing.

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