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The dark haired girl sat at the back of the car, sulking
"I don't know why you're even taking me here, I haven't got any f*cking anger issues or anything," she said moodily. The drivers shared a glance.
"We know you don't honey, we.." said a woman's voice.
"You what? Can't deal with me anymore? Huh?" she asked.
"We're here!" Said a man's voice before the lady could reply. The girl unbuckled her seatbelt, left the car and slammed the door so hard the whole car shook. She turned around and jumped when seeing a man stand there.
"You must be A-"
"It's Trevor to you," she hissed.
"Sorry, you must be Trevor. I'm Phil," he introduced.
"Did I ask?" she asked.
"No.." he answered.
"Did anyone ask?" She asked.
"No..." he replied.
"Exactly," she said.
"Um. This way please," Phil asked.
"Urgh. Fine," she followed Phil down endless corridors and up countless stairs until they finally reached a door. Phil knocked and a boy wearing a green hoodie answered.
"Dream, this is Trevor. Your new roommate," Phil introduced me.
"Yeah yeah whatever," Trevor said and pushed her way into the room.
"Oh, hi! I'm George," another boy said.
"Shut the f*ck up, nobody asked," she snapped, making the younger boy whimper.
"Don't swear or you will be punished," Phil called.
"As if I care," she rolled her eyes. She lay down on a bed and stared at the ceiling.
"Hey, that's my bed!" Another boy said.
"Well it's mine now loser," she replied.
"Trevor, give Scott his bed back. He dibs it years ago," another boy said.
"Jesus, how many boys are there?" Trevor asked annoyed.
"Too many," a female voice came, "I'm Lauren."
"Finally another girl," Trevor said.
"I agree," came another girl,"The name's Niki."
"This could work.." Trevor mumbled. She lay down and closed her eyes, darkness taking over. She awoke in a pitch-black room. She was tied to a chair. She heard maniacs laughing in front of her.
"I suppose you want to know why you're here," a voice said in front of her.
"Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" She asked, panicked.
"I am your anger. You are in your dream. Or should I say nightmare," her anger cackled, "goodbye Trevor. Until we meet again." The lights turned on and she saw herself in a glass box, but no thing but herself and a chair was to be seen. She felt something wet on her feet, and that was when she realized. The box was filling up with water! She tried to wake up but couldn't. She started screaming for help, but the water was rising too quickly and was almost at her chin.
"Trevor, wake up! You were screaming, are you okay?" Dream asked. She awoke.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" She asked and pushed him off her arm, causing him to fall of the ground with a large thump.
"I saw that Trevor. Anymore if this nonsense will lead to a punishment," Phil said, standing in the doorway.
"Let me tell you something Phil. You know we're in England, right?" She asked.
"Of course I do," he replied.
"Well you're threatening us and by doing that you could be arrested. You also look over ten so you could spend a good 36-96 hours in prison," she stated.
"Very nice. Anyway, it's breakfast time. Dream, could you please go to the hall, I'll take Trevor," Phil asked.
"Okayy.." Dream groaned.
"Come on Trevor," Phil said.
"I'm not hungry," she said, knowing very well she was starving.
'She's more of a challenge than her parents said' Phil thought.

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