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"Can you stop being so jittery?"

Chase was annoyed by Jordyn's bubbly behavior. They, along with Bree, were in the elevator down to the lab but Joe was jumping in place. "I'm just excited to see the lab again. All the technology and-"

"We get it. We already got it the first time you came down there," Bree sighed. She didn't like doing this to Joe but Bree didn't have the energy to deal with her after the horrendous shift at Tech Town.

Joe frowned, "Well, firstly, you're not referencing my first time down there but my second. The first time around I was focused on saving your asses." She held up a finger, a second following as she continued, "Secondly, we're talking about a quantum processing supercomputer! How could someone possibly not be excited about this?!"

Chase laughed and imitated her reaction with a terrible high-pitched voice, "OMG! A quantum processing computer? No way! This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Hashtag best day ever." 

Joe scowled at him and acted offended by crossing her arms. "That's not how I sound," she mumbled and turned to Bree for confirmation who gave her a thumbs up.

"Don't act as if I was the biggest nerd here, nerd," Joe then argued, jabbing a finger into Chase's chest.

Bree supported Joe's claim, "Yeah, I remember the first time we saw the new lab. You nerded-out because of some weird device. You two actually reacted quite similarly."

"I did not," Chase said, swatting away Joe's hand. "And just to make things clear, you mean the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer."

"I mean, that you're just as much of a nerd as her, if not a bigger one." Bree retorted and walked out of the elevator. Joe threw Chase a triumphant smirk and started moving, Chase followed last.

"She called you a nerd as well," he whispered to her and passed both girls. While moving, he put his new phone in his pocket, wanting to surprise the others. Joe only rolled her eyes.

"Hey guys, check it out. We just got our first paychecks from Tech Town," Chase flaunted once he caught sight of Adam and Leo in the lab. Joe and Bree came in behind him and eyed what the two had set up.

Leo moved toward Chase, "Nice. What are you going to spend it on? A video game? New kicks? A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks?" He emphasized his point by elbowing him in the right moments.

Chase grinned, "Nope, I'm gonna open a savings account." Adam let his head fall in disappointment. When he looked up, his gaze was met by Joe who shared this feeling.

"As reasonable as that sounds, you gotta start having fun, dobber." Joe shook her head and took a seat on a cyber desk. She let her backpack fall to the ground, pulling out her laptop in a swift movement.

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