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 He'd got what he wanted.

Excuse me. What will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her.

I shivered as I remembered the look he had given me. The over confident smirk, half closed eyes, his eyelids hooded as he looked down my body with that God awful lopsided grin. I had shivered then too. Not out of discomfort. More like, unfamiliarity. I had been with boys before, they were nothing that lasted and nothing like the green haired, "I-want-to-be-a-rockstar," Duncan.

He was attractive. Hot, even, with his metal piercings and athletic build straining against his clothes. He was tall, pulling his built up body to near perfect proportions and the way he looked at me, the way he never hesitated to try to start reeling me in. I had never been an object of such fascination to a boy - no - man, before. You could tell. He had done his growing, his learning. Maybe time in detention had taught him something. Or time with the wrong people on the streets but he had grown wise to world.

I felt sorry for him in a strange sort of way. How his childhood had been taken from him by a couple of bad decisions he had made when he was too young to know better. Still, he was trouble, I could see that much, even if he refused to give anymore than that and the fact that he found me worth a little flirtation.

I jumped as a heavy duffle bag landed on the bunk above mine.

"Well, it wasn't quite what I had asked for but I guess we're still bunk mates" I sighed letting out the breath that had caught in my throat from the shock. "Hi Duncan" I answered simply looking up at him from where I was sat on my own bunk. There was no reason to comment on his deliberate attempt to scare me. He would only come back with something as equally annoying or snarky as every other thing he had said since we arrived. "Cold" Duncan replied hoisting himself up to his mattress without bothering with the ladder beside him.

Quickly I looked down at my unpacking to hide my heated face. I would rather die than let on that I found it unbearably alluring. There was no way someone could do it from just natural strength, surely. Maybe, juvie and prison was like what people said. Maybe, working out was the only thing you could do all day. I chuckled. Maybe Duncan walked in there scrawny. All height and no bulk and then walked out a total hottie. My face fell.

"What are you laughing at, Princess?" Duncan asked. I yelped falling into my covers as his head appeared, peeking under the slats of his own bed to peer at me from above. "Oww" I moaned, rubbing the back of my head. "There's a wall behind you, Evelyn" Duncan reminded, fighting to keep a smile off his face. "Might want to look out next time"

I considered making a comeback. I considered telling him to get stuffed. The guy gave out serious "not nice" vibes but he was smiling now. Laughing. He wasn't playing the "I went to juvie and came out a bad guy" role. He was joking with me. Like friends. Quickly I leant forwards to slap at his head playfully. "Go back up before all the blood rushes to your head" I teased. Duncan laughed pulling himself back up before springing back to the floor. I looked at him in confusion. "So, what are you laughing about?" He asked sitting down on the edge of my bed heavily and leaning back. "Oww" He moaned rubbing at his own head.

"There's a wall behind you"

Duncan turned to me, his lips pursed and eyes hard. I swallowed dryly. Bad move. I blew it. My first chance at making a friend here - albeit a friend who would rather play with knives instead of cards - but still a friend. Poof. Gone.

He grinned. "Touché" He chuckled "Touché" I let out a small smile pulling another stack of clothes from my bag and standing to place them into one of the drawers at the end of our bunk. I took a deep breath to steady my racing heart. I thought for a second he was being serious. Of course, it would have been totally mad to be angry about a joke you had made in the first place but who's to say Duncan wasn't mad. No one knew what he'd been locked up for maybe it was soemthing awful. I shook my head as if it might clear my mind. I was being silly, he wouldn't be here if it was that bad, surely.

"Come on then" Duncan said crossing his arms beneath his head. I looked away as his shirt rode up on his torso revealing his toned stomach as I crawled past him to return to where I was sitting behind my bag. "What were you laughing to yourself about?" He asked again.

I rolled my eyes. "Ah come on, Evie baby" Duncan sweet-talked, moving to lean towards me. I looked to him, unimpressed and he let out a small laugh. "Ok, ok. I'll stop" He relented pushing himself back to his feet. He turned and pressed his hands to the higher bunk once again before pausing. He leant down again his arms still stretched out above him and I fought to keep my gaze on his face instead of his body. "We're friends now, right?" He asked.

I blinked before nodding slowly. Duncan smirked. "And friends don't keep secrets... Hey! Ow! Ok! Ok! I won't ask anymore!" I sat back down, smiling victoriously and Duncan shook his head to move his bright green hair out of his face before pulling himself up to his bunk once again then his head appeared, hanging upside down like before. "I don't think we can be friends if this is how I get treated" He spoke smiling "I don't know if I can handle it."

"I'm sure can put up with little old me, Mr. I-went-to-juvie"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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