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⌊ 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚙, 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷, 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢. ⌉

Warren stirred and slowly opened his eyes to find himself in darkness, "Hu-huh? Oh. I must've woken up pretty early." Warren said, getting out of his bed to turn his bedroom lights on. "Something feels off today," he thought, flicking the switch to turn the lights on, he winced as the lights turned on and got in his eye, "I might go and eat something, I'm not that hungry but I might as well."

He walked down the stairs and was meet with more darkness. Turning the lights on he strolled down to his kitchen counter. "I'll just make a sandwich." He thought and went over and opened a cabinet and put the bread out and onto the counter, opening the packet he pulled two pieces of bread out and went over to another cabinet and opened it to get some raspberry jam, "Yum, luckily we have some left." He thought as he got it out and got a butter knife, he spread the jam on the bread and began to eat it. "Why do I feel so anxious? Maybe my stomach is acting up." He thought.

He finished up his sandwich and decided he wanted to go for a walk to hopefully clear his mind and make his stomach stop acting up because it was getting really annoying at this point.

He took a deep breath and relaxed a bit, he started to head for the library since it was a nice place to hang out and get his mind off of things, so he walked down the sidewalk to get to the library, luckily it wasn't so far away, just a few blocks and plus, he needed to get some exercise, he hasn't been doing much lately but sitting on his bed and scrolling on his phone for hours, waiting for night time so he could rest for more than 2 hours at max. Finally, he made it to the library, he first smelled the scent of fresh books meaning that they restocked on them, he sighed, feeling more relaxed and happier that he had come on a good day.

Sitting down on a beanbag, he read the novel he brang with him, opened the book where the bookmark had been placed, getting lost in his book and the words. This book had been a favorite of his for awhile and had read it before, only a few years ago, so he decided to come back to it and read it again. After awhile he looked out the window, expecting it to be at least early morning but he was meet with darkness, "wha... I thought I was here for more than an hour... it looks like time hasn't moved at all! Hah..." he said to himself, half-joking, he was kind of freaked out but tried to not think about it as he started reading the next sentence of the novel he was reading.

After a while he just couldn't read anymore because of thoughts clouding his brain, "why is it still night?", "why isn't there any daylight?", he couldn't take it anymore, so he looked to find a clock to hopefully find out what happened. "Ugh.. where's the dang clock!" he whisper-shouted, speed walking around the library, all around. He couldn't find any clocks. Suddenly, something caught his eye, and he went over to the novel shelf, looking at a novel, he saw from the corner of his eye, it was a clock!

"Oh finally! A cloc-.." He cut him himself off when he realised it wasn't moving. "What the..it must be broken." He murmured, disappointed.

He turned to leave when, he slipped on something. Falling backwards, he hit his head on the 'broken' clock. "AH- ow.. ugh. I'm going to kill that stupid clock!" He said, poking it. When he poked the clock, it pushed backwards, like it has something stuck behind it.

"Huh? Does this thing have something stuck in it?" he thought, taking the clock off the wall. The second he took it off the wall something fell off the wall and onto the ground. "Oop- what's that?" He said, keeling down to grab.. "A note? Why would a piece of paper be behind a clock?" He muttered, picking up the folded note and unfolding it,

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