Teddy Boo pt.4

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Tubbo calls ranboo a bunch of nicknames on stream that ranboo likes being called off stream

these might not be TWs but Imma list them anyways: romantic actions, words, and kissing no there is no smut just teasing and because I am bored I'm gonna skip to the end of the week

and because I like to see your guy's comments feel free to rant or tell me about your day I can talk to you through the comments about your rants but feel free :)

Tubbo POV (you: Omg really? me: yep)

We were a bit into the building stream (I think that's where I got the idea) and I wanted to mess with him all he was doing was ordering me around he said something so I responded "but are there any askers" "but I asked" he retorted "Fuck you" he mumbled some stuff "that was mean I'm sorry my angel" his face surly was flushed "Babycakes."

then a bit stern I said "Kitten" he replied with "Yes.." he added a whimper and I blushed the wire to my mic was under my feet and I pulled them apart and told Ranboo to go to our room he obliged and went to our room,

I went at turned off the stream reconnecting the wires and saying we had something come up and wanted to be early for it but the truth was I couldn't wait anymore I was going to ask him the question lately he's been good at taking care of me and he is the person for me I know it, I kind of laugh because he always listens to me when I use that tone but then I went into our room to see he has taken his mask and glasses off and is sitting on the edge of the bed

 "Hey...?" I said to make him look at me "I wanna ask you something your not in trouble alright" "Okay..." he sounded a little sad I walked to my dresser and pulled out the ring box quickly sliding it into my pocket then walking  to the edge of the bed and kneeling in front of him  "<First Name plus Middle> <Last name>, I <Real Name> would like to be your partner forever and into the afterlife because when I met you I knew you were the one for me, your always so sweet and loving caring and the kind that is the kind of person I saw myself with and I am glad that person is you I am so happy that I can call you mine and watch you grow like how you watch me, and at that will you marry me?"

Ranboo's POV


"Tubbo" "Yes..?" he asked with uncertainty "How dare you!" "What?" he looked at me in panic like he had done something wrong "I was going to propose! dammit, it's also a yes"

 He laughed and hugged me he took my hand and slipped the ring on my finger "alright you've had your fun not get over here" I grabbed his hoodie strings and pulled him down to where I then took the ring out of my pocket and took his hand and put the ring on his finger "My turn to be romantic, you prick "

 he pog mouthed me because I swore at him "I <First plus Middle>  <Last Name> would like to partake in being your partner forever and always from day one you were chaotic and wonderful and the reason I fell was because of you and your humor I saw a bit of myself in you I saw out future as more than friends and now today is the day I ask you be me mine " I paused

 "Of course my angel, now can we go cuddle pleaseeee were streaming for a long time" "50 minutes but sure" (I don't remember how long it was but Imma go with that) He grabbed my arm and put it over and onto his shoulder where I instinctively pulled him close and he put his other right arm on my waist we climbed into bed and called each other pet names kissed and enjoy our first few hours being fiance's excitedly passing asleep into another day where I soon could call us husbands. 

Sorry I fixed the proposal I will never use their real names again as Tubbo's real name was that and it was Ranboo's theorized name but I was in the writer mood and just wrote them down now I will only use Ranboo and Tubbo

Edited again because I use angle instead of an angel because I'm fucking stupid

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