So how are things?

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Cody added Tyler, DJ, Trent, Harold, Justin, Noah, Duncan, and Owen

Cody changed the chat name to
Da Boyzzzz😎💪🤟💯🙏🔥

Trent: What's going on bro you need something?

Cody: Not really, just wanted to hear from everyone as it's been quite a while.

Tyler: Yeah, seriously, what's everyone been up to?

Noah: Oh, I've just been enjoying life in my multi million dollar mansion that I won from TDI. Hbu?

Trent: Glad to see some people haven't changed 😅

Tyler: Well, since football is out of season right now, haven't been doing too much.

Harold: Cody my dude, it's been a while! Haven't seen you online in a bit either.

Cody: Idk, I haven't played on my switch in a bit, any new games drop worth playing?

Harold: I mean, Kirby dropped, and everyone and their mother is playing Elden Ring right now.

Duncan: Okay we get it Dorris your a major gamer nerd, big whoop!

Harold: Why are you here to ruin my vibe? Gosh!

Harold: Thats why you lost Courtney and Gwen! You didn't honor the gamers code.

Duncan: Oh yeah? You wanna settle this outside that weird looking gas station a few blocks from my house?

Harold: Your so on!

DJ: Hey people! Let's be nice now, mama told me that if you hate someone you kill them with kindness.

Cody: DJ!

Harold: DJ!

Trent: DJ!

Duncan: Thank goodness, I didn't have the patience to actually deal with Dorris and not want to fight him through my iPhone.

DJ: So it seems that nobody has done too much  lately, well atleast I don't feel alone y'know?

Duncan: Well if you count coming out of prison after the last season I was in, I guess I have to agree with you. It's been pretty quiet.

Owen: Hello Everyone!

Cody: Owen, my man what's good?

Owen: Well, a lot actually

Trent: Really? Tell us more.

Owen: *Proceeds to send a very, and I mean very long list of food*

Trent: This isn't what we meant!

Cody: Yeah, when I asked that, I meant how are you doing?

Owen: Oh my bad lol

Tyler: Cant ever hate the big buddy Owen

Noah: You haven't gotten to know him enough, Tyler

Owen: Hey it's my little buddy Noah! Hi Noah!

Noah: Owen, we talked literally yesterday. We had Chinese food over my house.

Owen: oh right, HI NOAH!

Noah: 😐

Cody: Does anyone know where Justin is?

Justin: Sorry, was busy at a photo shoot for Ralph Lauren. Could you believe, that they wanted a formal interview process? I just gave a smile, did my hair flip, and the interviewer was stunned.

Justin: Being bored is for ugly people. I just sit in peace and prosperity until my next shoot.

DJ: I can only wonder what the girls are up to though. Not that we'd have any idea.

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