Editors Note

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I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me so far. I'm really trying here. I've committed several revisions. As well a spell checking my self. I'm so proud of how far my story has come so far. Expect much more of my book. I'm going to be around a long time. I'm dedicated as I can be.I hope to update 1-2 chapters a week. I do have chapters in my reserve in case I don't get to write one week. I hope to update once a week at least.

Please like and comment on my chapters. Any constructive criticism is welcome.

Also NO ONE is allowed to copy my work. I've tried to be as original as I could with this book. I didn't want it to be a cliche. If you have any questions. Just ask away on my message board or mention it in the comments. Referring to which section you had a question about. I'll be as quick as I can to answer your questions.

I'm also looking for a new cover page if any one is interested in submitting one and receiving full credit for their art work.

If you have any suggestions, please share them with me. I hope to keep you all hooked with my book. I have my plot line pretty much laid out. I expect my book to be between 60-80 chapters at least.

If there is a week where I don't update. Don't worry. I'll have something for you the following week. I promise to be on top of my book the best I can.

Once again. Thank you for your time, patience and support. It means the world to me. Have. Wonderful day y'all.

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