Daylin's Diary

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  • Dedicated to Leigh

Hey! This is a story I done in 2011 and I hope you will like it. :D 

The picture for the cover is not mine, I take no claims on it. I have put it as PG because of some of the words in it. Two of the characters in this come from a book, two belong to my friend and I own the rest of the characters.


The room was pitch black apart from the single candle flickering. A male sat in the leather plush chair, in his hands were a medium sized book. Written on the front in scribbly green crayon was 'Daylin's Diary'. Which male had took, who took it? Well, look for clues. 

Leaning back, he rested his long legs on the footstool, a slight smirk curling up on his lips. His face was dark by the candle light. Snapping the lock between his fingers, he flipped it open on the first page and began reading...

Date: 27th April 1990.

Today my friend, Scott, and I got banned from our local wal-mart. 

It's not like we did anything wrong! Well, except maybe we did go down the escalator in a shopping trolley and walk around with bras over our tops. Oh and.. eh.. I'll go through it all!

First off we were walking around bored, when there in front of us was a empty trolley. It was like a ping went off in my head! Quickly explaining the idea to Scott, he nodded, and then we rushed off with the trolley to the second floor. Placing the trolley at the start of the escalator Scott got in first then I sat behind him. People were giving us weird looks by now, honestly it is like this doesn't happen everyday.

Anyway, back to the fab idea. Giving the trolley a push by the help of the handrails the trolley tipped forward and we were off. It was so awesome! 

Bump, bump, bump went the trolley down the escalator. Some people, who were near the bottom, screamed and ran around like headless chickens. Tipping over, Scott and I, fell out and scrambled up running like hell before the security guards were on us.

Next off was the bra incident. After we had stopped running, we wandered aimlessly into a shop. It turned out to be a store for women. My face burned with embarrassment while Scott picked up two bras.

The person reading, paused and muttered "Little perverts." Before resuming reading.

"Hey, Daylin, watch this!" He yelled, pulling it over his head and pulling it around his torso. He grinned widely to himself, looking in the mirror. I laughed, calling him an idiot then froze, a chill had crawled up my spine as some dude said.

"What do you think your doing?"

We glanced back and, ohmygod, there was the biggest bulky guard we had ever seen. His hands looked like they could have crushed our small heads. Scott yelled, yanking it off before making a run. I followed suit. The guard cursed us out before heading back to his station.

We hid behind a small plant, wheezing and laughing. 

Once we had caught our breath, we looked around to make sure the coast was clear before walking out. 

Now, we should have ignored the chair but it was too hard not to. It took a while with our strength to drag it over to the magazine display in the store next to it.

Slumping down in it, I looked at the mags before picking up one about sport. Scott went off to get me a drink. Fanning myself with my hand, Scott returned with a bottle of coke. Eagerly opening it I took a sip, while a angry looking man walked over. He was short and tubby. He face was bright red, I think he was the manager, and he did not look pleased.

He barked, screamed and yelled at us. I calmly waited for him to stop before I spoke. 

"Sir, I do not get out much from the mental prision. While your standing there could you maybe put up a unbrella?"

Next thing we knew, we were in manager's office of the whole store and well, he looked very unhappy. Our mothers were sat on either side of us, their faces confused between glaring at us.

In the end, he banned us from ever coming in again.

Also, I am grounded. For two weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2013 ⏰

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