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As he walked back from work, he saw the sun

It shined upon his sweaty forehead; the sun smiled at his suffering

To frown is futile thus he tried to look around for some 'joy'

A Rose, he spotted her up ahead

The Rose so vibrant, rich, pruned and pampered....

His suit is hot, the tie dull, soles are worn and his shirt old

Yet despite those conditions he smiled, he laughed and enjoyed her company

Looked at her gentle petals and drew himself near, he even proclaimed:

"Dear Rose, how beautiful you are, for I wish to be you. I look to you and see not suffering but joy. Alas I am just a man and you, my dear, just a Rose."

As he walked away, he heard a giggle

He turned around and saw the Rose

She beckons him

"I am confused, I am shocked and scared" he said

The Rose then spoke:

"Dear friend I am not happy, for the sun he will kill me. Summer today means death tomorrow. I laugh that you wish to be me, when I wish to be you. Alas I am just a Rose and you, my dear, are just a man."

Puzzled he tries and responds yet he found his tongue long gone

Then the next day approaches for a whole day the two stared at each other

She then wilted...

And He then died

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