chapter 1:my life

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Hi I'm Jessica and I'm 17. Most of my friends just call me jess. My life is just fully comlicated , on my 15th birthday my parents told me that I was a werewolf. Yeah its not easy waking up and remembering that ur a werewolf. I also figured that my friends are also werewolfs and I have to find someone that will be my mate. Back than I didn't know what that meant but now I do and I really wish I still didn't know. Lets go back to 1 week ago when my life changed completely.

(One week ago, Saturday)
Today was a sunny day and me Em(short for Emily) and tiff(short for Tiffanie) planned to meet at the park in front of my house and go for a little shopping. I was just sitting when I saw this guy looking at me, sitting across a bench from me and looking at me and by his scent I could tell he was a werewolf too. Suddenly like he read my mind he walked towards me.

"Hi, I'm Antonio, I just moved here and you're the first werewolf I met that doesn't want to rip me into little werewolf pieces". I giggled. Funny and cute. Already adding the positive points. Usually when cute guys talk, shit comes out of their mouth but this is new.
"Hi, I'm Jessica and you're the first werewolf guy that Imet and liked." We talked for about half an hour before his squad and my squad finally came. He said see you later and placed a kiss on my hand before he left and promised we will see each other again.
"Girl, you gotta tell me everything , do not miss a detail or I'll slap you"usual nosy tiff. Em was kinda quite . Em is the first between us to have found her mate and the youngest werewolf to find her mate. She's a really nice and smart girl unlike tiff that's always getting in trouble and like they say living every minute to the fullest. I kinda feel bad for who ever is going to be Tiff's mate, believe me she can't stay with a guy more than a week. I talked about them a lot so let's get back to me.
"So, he's name is Antonio and he's a werewolf that just moved here". Tiff didn't let me continue."he might be ur mate!"em is a love expert.
"Let me finish, he was a total gentleman and we talked until u guys showed, by the way thanks for ruining my life"
"Ur welcome and its our job" tiff is usually funny when she's not being insane.
We went shopping and after that tiff and em called their parents to ask to stay over at my house for a sleepover so we could figure out if Antonio is my mate or not.
"Guys I don't think he's my mate because first he would've known he was my mate cause he wouldn't leave so easy and he didn't have the mate scent that mates are supposed to have"I was sure but tiff and em were not.

"But you guys ran into each other like lovers usually do and you aren't supposed to love or be with anyone but it mate."told you em is an expert in this cause she found her mate. She is also concerned about my love life and thinks I should find my mate but I don't bother much.
"Ooooo, their love can be forbidden and u guys can go on secret dates and try not to get caught."
"When me and Jacob met we knew we were mates, there was just this feeling that we knew."Jacob is em's mate and they're perfect together.
"Nothing is happening I just met this guy, I barely know anything about him." Such helpful best friends I have. We talked more about stuff and fell sleep all on the floor watching American Horror Story on Netflix.
I dreamed of him, his beautiful eyes that I could just look into forever and he's dimples that appeared when he smiled. His body which was muscular. Somewhere deep down I knew this wasn't just a crush and my feeling were much different this time. As I dreamed of him the whole night I also dreamed that we will always be together.

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